Monday, June 7, 2010

Final Blog!!! YAY

Final Blog
Over time, I feel as if my blogs have greatly improved. They have gone from an 8Th grade level and moved up to a high school level I feel capable of writing much better essays and or blogs than when I started in high school. After all the millions of blogs that I have written, I can see improvement, but I also can see where improvement must be made. It is in a few different ways too. For example, here is one spot where I noticed I needed improvement.

"Im not sure if this is enough words, i think its is but john mah said its not enough words so i am continuing on in my blog by just doing this and keep on typing to say watever else i can to make this fit on a whole pagh`e, i just typed a bunch of words, but i don't think i have typed enough yet, i am typing kinda pretty bad, its not good but i dont know what else i can say about something on his blog, at least i got plenty of new friends at this school, its good, yeahh."

This is an example of my blogs was before i realized or really even cared about what I was doing. It was terribly written and I did not use spell check or any kind of proof
"Yesterday i was talking with my friend about my blogs and i realized that my blogs weren't that good. Chris Maier inspired me to write about something that was more important and interesting to the reader. He has read my past blogs and stated how poorly written they were, i just wanted to get enough words but that wont help me and no one wants to read 300 words with no meaning."

This is a quote from one of my earlier blogs, after I realized some thing. I realized that I wasn't trying hard, at all. I was told from my friend who had read some of my blogs what he thought. I listened to him because I know he is a good student who is in to school. He told me I was lacking everything. I wasn't really talking about anything, just very random information. I just wanted to get to that 300 word marker, and I wasn't prepared to write 300 words that could be considered good or great writing. I needed practice and I knew it but I was lacking in effort to. I wasn't aware of how many mistakes I had made.

So after I understood the problem , I needed help to improve, so I asked some of my close friends, who also have your class. They gave me ideas and ways to write about something. I needed topics and more than that, information and feeling and everything else that is suppose to go into a blog. I then decided to spend more time thinking or searching for an acceptable topic that could interest readers, but also allow me to write in detail. It was harder and took some practice but i started to get it. It was coming easier too, after a few trys.

The other way i improved in the style of my writing is punctuation and spell checker. I didn't really pay any attention to this before because , at first, I didn't care a whole lot. I thought that it was just good enough to have finished and got all the words put together. But after I talked to more people who have to blog too, I found out it's not. To get the grade i wanted I had to change, to better my writing. So I started using spell checker and then re-reading it many times.

The thing I like about blogs is the chance I get to write about anything I want. Because it has a due date and effects my grade I will actually do it. So it matters to me, and I get to say what I feel about anything. What I have also been thinking about is that I get to read other peoples blogs, all in high school. Well, I can read more, but everyone in your class has blogs, so I get to read what they are doing. There are so many blogs from everybody, all the topics from all the kids are relevant to me, or most of them because they are similar to me in the way that we both go to the same school and we the have the same English teacher. We live in the same district and have probably been going to school for a while so i know a lot of them. I Think that google reader is a really cool thing. The idea to let me type a search and see what my peers are writing about is awesome. I have spent some time on it and i will probably continue to read them when i get board in summer, oxymoron. Well, i think I'll read more of them that have interesting topics.
The topics I write about are usually from something that has had some effect on me. The title of my blog list is "Why I ride" meaning riding dirt bikes. Dirt bikes are a big deal in my life, and so is everything off road. So I like to write about things that happen in the off road world or things I have done while dealing with bikes, quads or cars. I have a big interest in cars and engines, so I have done a lot of research on all things like these. Some people are really in to football, for some it's baseball, but for me , it's dirt bikes and off road. I went riding last Saturday so it's some thing I try to do on a regular basis. I will continue with this sport/hobby more intensely into the summer.
I am planning on doing a lot of work for my dad and selling a lot of stuff at my house so I can buy a truck, and hopefully when I enter English next year, I will have you, so I can blog about my truck too. Its basically #1 on my summer agenda, besides riding twice a week. Hopefully, actually definitely this will be my best summer yet and I am really glad I had you as my teacher. I will miss you and I'll see you next year. This year was great, and thanks for being a great teacher.

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

Monthly review
A Clockwork Orange
This book was definitely the oddest book i have ever read in my life but i did enjoy its difference. It is a book that reminds me of another language because before you understand what they do, you have to understand how they talk. I want to give this novel a 71/2 out of 10 and i would recommend this to some one else, preferably a high schooler or older. It takes a mind with more experience with books to understand this kind of writing. I understood it by the end, but it was difficult in the beginning, i was lost.
Just one easy example of what it is like -
" 'Language, Language,' like smeckes a goloss, and then i got a like backhand tolchock with some ringy rooker or other full on the rot. I said:
'Bog murder you, You vonny stinking Bratchnies..."
With lines like these, i got confused many times. The entire book is like this, and the vocabulary is something I've never seen before. What i think the quote above says is ," hit his eyes, and got a backhand slap and got kicked and hit a lot of times. Then he basically said i hate you, and cursed him out". This is what i got out of it.
I think my favorite character in this is Alex, the is definitely not the best, but the main character and he has the most influence in the book.The way he changes is dramatic, but i think what he is before the change is interesting. He is worst than most criminals because he does kill people and he even rapes. More than once, but they only describe one, and the woman dies, which is tragic to the husband who is forced to watch. It is sick and demented. Here is the woman they raped and killed. He looks crazy and mean in all his pictures.
The authors purpose for writing this unusual novel is to be different. And it worked because the book became famous and many people have heard of it. I asked my dad and some of his friends about it and they knew, they have seen the movie. They almost disgusted too, because of all the nasty things the youth did.SO the author, Anthony Burgess did get his point across and spread. The intentions were to show how bad the youth is and what kind of violent acts they would do. It truly is crazy. So the youth is the worst age class when then book was originally written in 1962. It was a very long time ago, and the laws were very different. It was also in Britain, a whole different setting than America in 62. Its sad how he represents the youth thougyh, it looked to be like they were all bad and that they did really bad things, like rape and steal. They attitudes were bad too, they were often rude to women and didn't show any sign of respect to them or elders. As a matter a fact, before Alex's change, they had no respect for any body, not even theirselfs. So i think that Burgess might of seen or had something to do with the youth and their "terrible behavior".
So i enjoyed reading through this book, and i think that the type of style they use is interesting. I am going to go watch the movie now so i can get a better understanding of how they actually look. Another thing is i noticed is that there are some parts where i have no idea what is happening and i get completely lost. They start talking thick in their own language/style and i keep reading but i don't know how to interpret it. "Naughty little malchicks handy with cut-throat britvas--these must be kept under"pg167. So in this quote from a page closer to the end, i don't understand the scene. I think they are talking about knifes and the youth being bad. lot of stuff in here doesn't make scents. It's also kind of fun to though. Its unlike any books iv'e read because i always understand what they are doing because they use regular English that i use and they don't use weird words every 3rd word.
I would recommend this book to some one who likes different styles in books. This book has a unique personality, if that even makes sense. I want to give A clockwork Orange a good review and for a book written in the 60's that can still spark my interest is good. I think some day ill read this again, far away in time though.
I was also really interested when they got in the first fight in the beginning, it sounded like a good gang vs. gang fight and it had a good explanation on how it all went down and how they fought, but yet still confusing, because they said their own language, as i look at it. All the hooroshow malchicks in this book viddy on in and have fun old in out in out with random malchicks. That basically means that they rape random women. IT is still hard to understand g\because there is no set definition in what they are saying, so i can still be totally wrong wit what I'm saying.
Anthony Burgess, the author whose real name is actually John, was many thinks during his life time. An English poet, playwright er, composer, linguist, translator, and critic. All things he did very well in, and was known for them. Two of his most famous works are Dystopian and a Clockwork Orange. He wasn't super proud of it though. In 1971 it was made into a film, a clockwork Orange, He made many other books too, and some More became movies too, but none as successful as a clockwork orange.He was a famous man, and i think i might continue on reading some more of his books if i can find them.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A clockwerk orange part 3

A clockwerk Orange
The last blog for this book. I did enjoy this odd and twisted book more than my other books. This really surprised me, after i understood ho they talk and how wierd they act, i got into it. This is so different than today in america though. The way they lived then was both simuler and different from today but much more different. The way all the horrorshow malchicks talk and viddy to each other is interesting.
This novel written by Anthony Burgess had a big twist in the end i was not at all expecting. I though Alex,, the leader of the Droogs was going to stay how he was, but now he vomits if he even thinks about being mean. He physically can't. The man who he had beaten and raped ending up helping him untill he realisted who he was, and tortured him till he jumped out the window. He put i\him in a regular room in the attic and lockedd the doors. Then he turned up some beetoven which alex can not stand. It drives him crazy, littarlly and he cant bear it. So to end his ear pain, he jumps out the window
I like this part acually, because the man whos wife was raped and killed got some revenge form his wheel chair. He got to see the man he hate most on earth feel pain, not the same kind, but phsical pain. ANd now even alexs old droogs hate him," Then they gave me one final tolchock on the listo each and i fell over and just lied there on the grass". pg. 169. So his friends fronm the past became police officers and they beat hinm up for how they were traeted when he was their leader. They left him thee in rthe forest and it was getting dark and was about to rain soon. They hated him and he was getting what he deserved.

Jeremey and china

wtf is up
Okay, so I was reading a crazy story about a mans acts of violence in China, and it astonished me, and left me feeling bad. In china, there has been 5 acts upon little chidren in schools where a man with a knife or some kind of weapon, not a gun though, kills them. It is almost the worst thing a man can do, Kill the future, they honestly don't understand. SO this time, a man killed seven children and two adults in a school. He used a meat clever. This reminds me of horror storys. The kids probably think that this is a horror story. After the articul was a sub-section that was talkinfg about how 17 percent of china's population is mentally ill, and out of that only 5 percent of people get medicine for it. That is a huge amount and needs to be fixed. I dont know how, but if it leads to stuff like this, it really can't be aloud.
A man named Jeremy McGrath a Supercross legend finds himself to be the best of the best. He has won Seven 250 Supercross championships, two 125's, one outdoor, and two FIM World Supercross championships. I have a Honda CR250, and that is what he used to race, its a great bike. He has dominated all of Motorcross and is a legend.
Jeremy McGrath is an unlikely champion who became a legend in Supercross. . Wining 12 major championships is not the easiest thing ever. Having almost 3 perfect seasons is even harder. But Jeremy McGrath has accomplished almost all of these. He wants us to understand that the life of a professional rider is not all it is worked up to be, but there are good days then there are bad days and it takes a lot to get to the top. Ive watched alot of his interviews on youtube, and other dvds i have.
He was a young kid who didn't have a factory ride was from California and had trouble buying a bike. But he rode like a champion, practiced like a champion, and soon found himself rising to the top where he would become a legend in Motorcross. He is the one that brought Motorcross to the level that we see it at today.
Jeremy McGrath was born in 1971 and had grown up in California most for of his life, living a normal childhood, but riding dirt bikes. He had one sister a mother and a dad named Jack. As he was young he had gotten into BMX racing. He would come home from school everyday and just ride his bicycle around the yard. His dad noticed one day that he was riding his bike pretty aggressively and decided to get him his first bike. The bike had been sitting around Jacks shop for quite a while. So at age 6 Jack surprised him with a dirt bike. He would stay out and ride figure eight's in their backyard all day. But after a while the mini bike had gotten old and as soon as age 11 rolled around and he found himself racing his first BMX race. He continued racing BMX for most of his childhood. He had a couple used dirt bikes here and there but as he got better he upgraded. Ive always followed him, and i saw in in soem arenacross at the coliseum, and pac bell park.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quick Write
So after watching this funny video on social classes and youth groups in America, i decided i would go try and find this again, but I understood what they were doing, but i couldn't really hear what they were talking about.They seem to be totally different from now. They tend to act kind of like now-a-days though too. It is confusing to explain, but how they hang out is smiler and different. They still talk and hang out with both genders like now. They were cool for there time, and can be compared to the cool kids now.
Some of the rules they have are different from now and some are the same. If you or anyone basically breaks the rules, the social rules, it can be social suicide. I like that line. Social suicide, because it makes sense and can be true, but not literally. For example, if they say something that is really "Out of Pocket", new term i have heard a few times now, then they will get punished by the others by getting ridiculed.
They also have nice girls and boys and what separates them is different from now. But some of the same rules apply. If a nice girl gets pregnant, she is no longer a nice girl, true for both generations. Being pregnant at a very Young age is bad, but the older nice girls can be pregnant, and it wouldn't be bad. Because that's a miracle, and older people accept that, and they are old enough to deal with it on good and beneficial ways. But nice boys, its very different than nice girls, because guys can do more, a nice guy doesn't smoke anything or drink and gets good grades and has respect for there elders. But a bad guy gets in trouble and is the opposite of a nice guy, but there behavior towards others can still be good.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Clockwerk orange

A clockwerk Orange
This book is still pretty trippy and shows how the youth in England, i think, mess stuff up. But there is a lot of parts I'm not understanding though. For example,:" P.R. Deltoid did something i never thought any man like him who was supposed to turn us baddiwads into a real horrorshow malchicks would do, especially with all the rozzes around". pg.77. Okay, so first off he uses many different terms for words in here. They say malchicks a lot, i think it is what they call each other, then horrorshow, another term used alot meaning perhaps bad, or dangerous.I am pretty sure that rozzes mean police.
So Alex, the head of the droogs is the bad ass of the four, He gets them in and out of trouble but when they start to doubt him, he needs to show his power. So he does this by taking them for a walk along side a waterway and he hits one in the privates, pushes two i n the water and shanks one that was in the water to show that they need to follow his directions. This act of violence only makes them angry, so then they set up a job to rob a ladies house. Alex breaks in, kills her and his so-called droogs call the police before he exits the house, so they are there when he gets outside. The part where he kills the old cat-lover is very gruesome and only for people who can take seeing it. So this is it for Alex. They put him in the slammer and he has many years to go through. But they also do testing on him, a lot of testing that makes him go crazy. They permanently open his eyes, make him watch people getting beat up for a long long time, and play a Beethoven song the whole time. They do this because whenever he is gonna do something bad, he wants to throw up. It stops him from wrong doing. I think this is almost too crazy, but then again, so is the book.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Clockwerk Orange

A Clockwerk Orange
This is definetely the strangest book i have ever read. I have read through part one and i don't understand a lot of this book. I do kind of get what they are doing, and it seems like this are some sick youths. They are young and they stay in trouble a lot. They raped some one, and it was a graphic thing to read. I saw one of those top ten or something scary movie lists on mtv, and this movie was on it. Years ago i saw a scene where they went in to the house of the man and woman who they raped. It was sad yet very intence when i watched it, and that is the reason i picked this book.
The poeple who are in this speak their own language of old english slang plus english. Here is an example of how they talk, "But old Dim, as soon as he'd slooshied this dollop of song like a lomtick of redhot meat plonked on your plate, let off one of his vulgarities, which in the case was a liptrump followed by a howl followed by two fingers pronging twice at the air followed by a clowny guffaw." pg. 32. This is a very confusing line i don't comnpletely understand. I think it means=Dim was singing loudly while cuzing and dancing.It is very hard to understand what they are talking about. One word they use a lot is malchicks. But i am not sure what this means because they use it for many things. I think it has some thing to do with what they call their selfs. But they seem to use it in alot of different contexts.At the beginning of this novel, i felt lost and confused, and i didn't understand any thing.But after i read more, i started to understand, and get what they weree doing, They get it a lot of fights. They were fighting some other malchicks and the police came so they cut out. I think that this is a cool book to have read, I am going to watch the movie after this so i can see what they were doing for the parts where i got confused. Also, another wood they use, starting on the first page is droogs. I thing this is cool, It basically means friends. i like this book so far.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Iron man and a terrorist

I heard about a man who tryed to blow up time square in New York by parking his suv in an intersection with all sorts of different exsplosive things inside. Then i read a article about what really happened and i was slightly shocked and surprised by how dumb this man truly is. Primarly ignorant and full of hate is what this man is.
So apparently he had gone to a fire works store and bought m-88's, im not sure how many but the man who runs the store said they are weak. Besides fireworks, the car has gas in it which is very explosive. And he is said to have some kind of propane and gasoline thing in the back of his suv.After seeing some pictures, his suv looks worst because of the 3 20 gallon propane tanks. Propane is also very expolsive, so this might of been worst than i first thought. This man was caught all on video survalience, so he is screwed now. He even made it to the federal-no fly list. He can not fly legally on a plane, i think only in america though. He was going to Dubai and got caught after walking on the plane . I know that once he got caught, and now when he is looking back, he knows his life is over now.

Today i saw Ion Man two and i really enjoyed it. I really liked the first movie, and this one was just as good, if not better. I saw it in Imax which just makes it better. This movie was suppose to make box office numbers, and i heard it made 7.5 million dollars on a thursaday night. The main enemy in this movie was Ivan Vanko, a russian physicts. He is a genius and his father was partners with Tony Starks father. He was able to make a arc reactor to power his weapon thing. It is like some kind of poweful string attached to his arms. They made this charactor look very scummy and bad. He was almost like and evil scientist, and competing with stark and the iron man suit. Tony Stark went through alot of things through this movie. My thing that kind of surprised me is that he got wasted at his own party and was wearing the suit. WHen this happenes, he uses his power shooter thing and ruines a lot of his house. I guess he is so rich that he doesn't care about his house that much. After that, his friend puts on a another suit and they mess stuff up. The house gets ruined after the fighting. There was a twist in this movie, but it wasn't super big. I would definetely recommend this to pretty much anyone of any age. I saw all sorts of people in the theatre. I went with my family and some family friends to it, and every body enjoyed it. I am definetely going to watch this movie again, and i think my dad will buy it because he is really in to iron man.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman , yayayaya

Confessions of an economic hit man
Only 1000 words left, haha. Okay, so this book is supposedly an autobiographical novel about a hit man backed by a group of professional men who cheat countries out of trillions of dollars. If this in fact true, which i highly doubt based on ive never heard of this and it sounds a bit ridicules. After finishing this book, i would reflect on it like this-it is very long for what it is, too many weird stories...From the books ive read, and i have not read a ton of books in my life, but i know i will start to read more because of school. Okay, so this book, only in my opinion though, is boring. As i have stated in my numerous other blogs, this is not the most riveting and intense book, but it does seem to get a bit interesting. I don't really know how to describe all of it, because i found it hard that it changes, so what might be true for one part, is false for another. I am not really in to these kinds of novels.
This book is not super believable because of this for example, there is a deal between Saudi Arabia and America for 200 million dollars. What?What is going on? Is has to do with waste management, and modernizing Arabia. Then it talks about air-conditioned malls and fancy things, and what not. i cant buy in to all this weird facts apparently. I don't understand, and the government is not really in on this whole thing. They don't sponsor the group.
This man is like James bond in the ways that he describes him self and his lifestyle. He is a spy and many other things, his job application and resume are very large.There are many parts in his book where he talks about how he meets a lot of new people and the people are usually high up in power and wealth, he has friends in high places, but also, from his line of work, enemies. I think this man, Perkins, likes his job, because it makes him feel powerful. But that does not look away from the stress he has, because working with that much money, and that many people, its hard to keep everyone happy. He is only one gay, but he does have people to help him. It is kind of confusing on who he works for and they use a lot of words i don't fully understand. That is what makes this book aimed for older people, i think. The words have a lot to do with government, and banking. I don't even know what else,. but they are in line with business.
Take the title for example, what does it mean. Confessions of an economic hit man. well, i think that this translates to the story of a man with a a lot of power and a mission, a job to get done. but it doesn't stop after one, its continuous. I'm not sure how many people in the world actually have this job, but i know it is few, there is no way that this is a easy job to get too. John went through a shit load of training and secret things to get to where he i know. I actually think ir is kind of cool how he got this job, i believe it is fake, even though it says it is real, but it is interesting, Perkins went through alot to be a hitman at a national; level, not just an assassin.
It says in this book that what Perkins does is as old as an empire. So i have two examples for this, or actually more l,ike opinions, so first off, Empire. What is he talking about, what empire and how old is that. I dont know much about the history of economic hitman, in fact, before this book i have never even heard of that. So apparently, it is really old, so way back in the day, people were cheating nations out of a lot of money, what ever currency the nation had. This sounds bazaar, but it might be true based on a smaller scale, because a lot of stuff has happened in history, and to say this has never happened would be a possibly false assumption, and slighty arrogant. Also, they use the word empire, and it is not really a direct age, or time period, and this has happened semi-much throughout the book.
I am glad i am done with this book, and hopefully my next book will be better, my past two weren't all that great in my view. Both the books are not really in my range of readable book that are good for my age and who i am. The last book was for some one in middle school, and this book is for some one older than me. Or perhaps some one with more of an interest in what this book was talking about. It is a kind of auto-biographical book, but it is aimed for a certain audience. Not my age really though. John Mah didn't really find an interest in this either, we talked about it and i read his blogs. Both the books iv'e chosen i have not liked, that strikes me as wierd because, i chose them, i judged the books by there cover, but it was vice-versa. And i was on the wrong side. I don't think i am going to get a third bad book for the last one. I want to get enders game, because all of my friends who have read it, seem to enjoy it. I know then i should. I can't complain too much though, i did get the experience of reading a book with a bigger vocabulary than what i am used too. I found some of the paragraphs in this book too confusing, but after i thought about them more, context clues helped. I wouldn't re command this novel to my peers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman last blog post

Confessions of an economic hit man

This is the final part in the novel, and it didn't change much for me. I felt almost board but still, it was slightly entertaining. I enjoyed this book, and after i finished reading it, i thought to myself about if i would recommend this book. I'm not sure if i would though, this book has good points and bad points to it. It Is a long book, and in my opinion it seems a bit boring. I don't like how long this novel is. For a book that goes on and on like this, i don't think i would recommend it. At least for people like me, who like more of action and car novels. For an older audience, this could be considered a good book. I think that this book is aimed for a viewing by a different catagory than most high schools.
This section of the book is about more of his life as an older person. A lot, this book is random i think. It will tell me about a lot of different things. Its weird how it is. It goes on about different stories and randomness. I don't want to read any sequels about this book. I can't really get into John Perkins whole writing style. He writes much more different than the books Ive been reading in high school. I think that this book was good but only for specified people. For example, i didn't enjoy it, but I'm positive others do, and will keep liking this book. I know that there are some people out there who are into book. I did not enjoy the whole idea of whole nations getting jacked out of there own money. It is sad and i don't think it is fare for the nations.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

spring break fun

Hey there
During spring break, i went basically no where.I stayed in Alameda and in bay farm. My spring brake wasn't all that great. My car broke down, and i was on bike for most of the break.And even a scooter for sometimes. I did go to a few parties. They were really fun, and at night time so even funner.
My mom went to Tennessee for the whole break because my aunt had a baby and she went up to help out and keep the other kids under control. So for the week it was only my dad, my brother and i. it was a guys week pretty much and we ate a lot of take-out that week. it was okay thou. I cant complain. I actually had kind of a boring break, a few days were wasted and i had some work. I spent a few days at an auction at the base with my dad, and we ended up buying a weight set. I am started to lift now.And the next day we bought another thing. I'm not sure the name of the machine, but it has a pull down bar and a pull down rope thing. It is tall, and i like it so far.
My car went into the clutch for a few reasons. First off, the clutch was slipping really bad. It is a Manuel car and i could literally rev to 4ooo rpms, and it would barely move. You could walk faster. It was all to do with the clutch.The clutch was completely replaced and now driving it again, it feels so much nicer.The car feels very different though, stalled when i was backing out of the shop it was in. When they replace the clutch, I got to see it and it was all worn to hell. It needed a replacement badly. The workers said it was really bad, it that is was slipping when i bought the car, but i never even noticed it. Now it grabs hard, and it feels alot better and safer when i am driving. I was scared to drive to the shop, so it was towed there. Another problem was the oil valve and oil pan gasket went bad, and they were replaced. Because they needed replacement, the car would smell like burnt oil if i drove it over 60, or for a long period of time. One more problem to top all of this off, is that the window on the drivers side, front, the main window wont go down,and i have no way to make it opne replace the contacts, because i think that is why and where the , i need to go inside andproblem is. And the air conditioning wont work, and summer is coming up, the fan wont turn on, and even when it did, the air was not cold,and not super hot either.This Saturday, i am taking it back to the shop, and going to ask the mechanics/my dads friend to look at it, and recharge it with freon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman, part one and two

Confessions of an economic Hit Man
In the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" the author, John Perkins, is also the main character. This book is non-fictional, and its really hard to read this when it is apparently true. It doesn't seem true, because supposedly secret large organizations that are not apart of the government acquire trillions of dollars from countries. So some how, it is really confusing to me, spy's and the people who back them up cheat whole countries out of huge sums of money. John Perkins explained his life as crazy and he did alot of things throughout his life, especially so far in this first sections. He dropped out of college which he thought was a good choice.After college, the military really wants him but he rejects the whole military idea for now. I am started to like this book. It is about a whole big picture, it is totally different than all the books i think i have ever read. Usually i read books about individual people or small problems, not how entire countries are cheated out of trillions of dollars in currency. This is so different, and so is the style of the novel. The writing is more relative to the government, and also the vocabulary Ive noticed, its bigger than usual. There are alot of big words in here i have never seen. I still don't really get how this whole system works out, like, for example, if trillions of dollars were missing, someone would end up noticing. That is, more than some countries even have. Hopefully, this novel will get less confusing in the next section. I thing it will most likely stay the same though, but i still don't understand some of the concepts and the ideas in the section so far.In my last opinion for this section, i like this book.
John Perkins describes himself as a spy, for a secret association who's job is to work with roughly ten others to find information out and keep things in order. But to do this job, he has to be highly skilled, which he is. Apparently he has been trained for years, even in high school was one of the best students in his class. His parents were high school teachers who were well-educated, and they made him switch out of his public school. Hos parents placed him into an all boy school because they wanted to keep him away from all the "sluts" at public schools. this section didn't really change for me.It seemed pretty much the same kinda stuff, but obviously different, like how john grew up. I didn't really understand what an economic hit man was until more of this section. there has been more examples Also, another thing i was thinking about is how many years this guy has put into his career, the training needed to be a skill full hit man who can deal with the pressure put on from handling trillions of dollars. The man has had so much training its amazing. The novel describes alot of his life getting ready for his job. I do in fact like this section more because it got more in dept about what an economic hit man actually does. John got into brown for a college but because bot of his parents went to middle bury for a college, he was transferred there too, as a tradition.There he acquired an academic scholarship. Brown gave him a athletic scholarship. Throughout his schooling he was a very athletic student which looked good for becoming a spy, and he try ed very hard in school. He earned very good grades that helped him became spy. He had it hard going through these top schools and getting good grades. In my opinion he is a good spy from this background.

Friday, April 2, 2010

skillsand future

My writing goals
As a sophomore in your class, mr.sutherland, i feel as if my writing skills have doubled to what they were during 8th grade, as a middle schooler. I have gotten a ton of experience from blogs every week. Doing logs every week is a great way to become a better writer because experience makes you better for almost anything you can thing of. And since i have to write around 800 words a week for just blogs, on top of every thing else i get for being in high school, i sharpen my skills,
I can still be a better writer, as so can almost every body else, besides professional writers. I know for a fact i can make improvement. And for my next few years, i think i see me writing even more than i do more. For example, the different classes i am going to take are possibly going to give me as an assignment, many essays.
I used to get alot of writers block syndrome, and as i continue to write, by weeks, i see change, and it is slowly going away, but not for good. I think i will always get it, and there is no permanent cure for it. But as always, i can try. As i am getting older, i would like to get more evolved in writing, for college. I know writing is a huge part of life as i get older, but for me and my career, i am not so sure after i finish college. I want to be like my dad, and be the boss of the brick company my dad made. I think i can take it farther because of the skills im going to be learning in my next 5-6 years in school, or more. Im not so sure yet, on what i want to do after high school. I am willing to do physical labor, because i already work for my dad alot. And i have been learning alot more about becoming a brick/stone mason. It pays well, but it is hard. Many hard days , and tiresome bights with early mourning's, as my dad has explained it.
I have already talked to my counselor, and as required i am going to take another two years of English, and hopefully i will get you next year, i have really enjoyed your class. Its a little different, but in my opinion better than my other English classes i have been in. Which require receptive spelling test, and home work than is barely different each night. I get board of those types of classes. This English class is not repetitive, besides blogs, which is okay, because of the open topics, or book reviews. I like that whole idea.
As for my pronunciation, i know i need work, i don't pay attention to this much because of spell checker, but i should because when i actually need to write with pen and paper, i will have to pay extra attention to this.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Touching spirit bear

Touching Spirit bear
Touching spirit bear , the novel by Ben Mikaelsen is a fictional story about a trouble making kid, Cole, who gets in so much trouble that he has to go to a island in Alaska to experience solemn months. In his experience in the island, he gets mauled by a bear and witnesses cold nights alone. It is a life changing experience, and throughout the whole entire book, he really changes. This novel, just seemed like a corny middle school book, because of the parts where Cole danced around the fire, and i think it was just some stuff the author put in the book for the younger audience the book was aimed for. I think this book is not for people in high school.
Cole's last shot was used up when he beat up Peter, the kid who snitched on him for breaking into a hard ware store. Cole wanted revenge so he badly injured Peter. Peter was messed up for years and he had to do therapy for the injury's. He became messed up in the head and attempted suicide twice. Cole really hurt this kid physical and mentally, and the sad thing about it is that he didn't even care after it happened. He just blames the world for all of his anger. Most of his anger though comes from his parents. His parents are both drinkers and they do not support or care about Cole as much as they should, Garvey, the man who is helping Cole out can see this. He is the main one who believes in Cole and really puts alot of effort into helping Cole become a better person.
The island that Cole is temporally on is a remote, small and very wild part of Alaska. It seems like it is the kind of place that the Native Americans lived on, and it hasn't been covered up by concrete or buildings and malls. This seems like a good place to be alone for long periods of time. In this book, that is exactly what it is. And for Cole, it works. This whole idea for Cole was Garvey's idea, Garvey seems like a pushover in Cole's eyes. But he is a really nice man who pushes Cole's negative words away.

What are the weaknesses of this book, in your opinion?
This book has many weaknesses in my opinion, first off the kid Cole is an angry and disrespectful kid, and i didn't like him. I just didn't want to read about how rude he is and how he defies authority. But then i found out that he has a reason, His parents cause him to be really cruel to everybody and every thing. For example, both his parents are drinkers and his dad has beat him. His dad, of course, denies it in their meetings, and his mother says nothing when she has an opportunity to admit the truth. At the meetings, they both really try hard to look as if they are great parents, and Cole is just a complete mess-up. They don't seem to care for Cole, but they only show there true colors to each other, and they hide it from all others. I don't personally like how this whole section of the book is,
Another really weird thing is that Cole wakes up early every mourning, unlike when he was at home. He then walks up to a mountain, and he baths in freezing cold water. I don't really understand why, if this was real, he Probably would not get in freezing cold water early in the mourning. Water from my shower is too cold for me when i first get in. This kid . before he started to change would sleep in on the island, and be lazy all day. He set fire to the shelter some one made for him. I don't see him having enough enthusiasm to get in the water. This book, seems fake to me, i still, after finishing it dislike the whole subject and i don't see this bad kid learning all the things he apparently has learned.

14. For what audience(s) is this book intended, and how can you tell? (In other words, for whom would you recommend this book?)
This book is completely for kids in middle school. It is very easy reading and it doesn't require much knowledge to understand everything, something a higher educated reader looks for. So in my opinion, this novel is kind of boring. I can't get into it much, i didn't understand why Garvey would put so much time and effort into a kid like Cole, but it did work out for him. I think my brother in middle school would enjoy this book much more than i did, but still, not that much. I'm glad now that i am done with the book that bored me for 3 weeks. For a 7th grade essay, i can see a kid writing a good piece on this story, because it is easy reading material. That makes it a good book for younger kids. I think that the author wrote this book thinking of a young audience. I read this book, starting out with the intentions of enjoying myself, but that failed, but i dont have to worry about it anymore. My next book will be much more entertaining. This book lacks a sense of humor, and action. It topic wasn't good in my view, and i would not recommend this to any one else. The author needed to add more intriguing information for a older audience, so this book could be relative for a reader in high school. It is clearly for young kids though.Maybe this authors other books are alot more exciting to a different area and age of viewers, but i rather not read more of his books, because this book made me lose faith in this authors writing style. Maybe ill tell my brother to read this book, because e needs to do reading for his school, and this would be better than all the video games he plays, every day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

finished the easy book!!!!!!!!

Touching Spirit bear
Dear declan and johhny
This book is, as declan said, corny. I would agree with that statement. As the last section ends, i can see the change with in Cole. It is true so far that he is good, for a kid and he is becoming better. This section, i feel was really about peter, more than the previous two sections.In Each section, Cole is still the main charactor though. So Peter has tried to commit suiside twice, and has many problems from when He was beaten up. Cole really doubts at first that they would even let peter on the island, but he gets there. SO peter and Cole live on the island and do alot of the same things every day, it does get repetetive.
Cole gets up every mournng and does the same thing, i guess this teaches him that he has to take responsibility kind of, he can't just do watever he wants, but what he does is his choice here. Okay, so he wakes up early then takes a rock up a long hill and goes to a pond. he takes a bath in the pond and it helps him to relieve his anger and get rid of his strees from his anger problems. At the end of the book, peter trys to beat up cole, and cole doesn't fight back. This makes peter cry, so it is almost as if they have switched shoes. This book leaves you hanging. It doesn't say anything much after this little event. I would have liked to know a little more, but it's alright. I didn't really enjoy this book a hole lot. I am more excite dfor mu next book. "confessions of an econamic hitman". I am glad this book is done, it is more of an easy middle school book for younger kids.

finished the easy book!!!!!!!!

Touching Spirit bear
Dear declan and johhny
This book is, as declan said, corny. I would agree with that statement. As the last section ends, i can see the change with in Cole. It is true so far that he is good, for a kid and he is becoming better. This section, i feel was really about peter, more than the previous two sections.In Each section, Cole is still the main charactor though. So Peter has tried to commit suiside twice, and has many problems from when He was beaten up. Cole really doubts at first that they would even let peter on the island, but he gets there. SO peter and Cole live on the island and do alot of the same things every day, it does get repetetive.
Cole gets up every mournng and does the same thing, i guess this teaches him that he has to take responsibility kind of, he can't just do watever he wants, but what he does is his choice here. Okay, so he wakes up early then takes a rock up a long hill and goes to a pond. he takes a bath in the pond and it helps him to relieve his anger and get rid of his strees from his anger problems. At the end of the book, peter trys to beat up cole, and cole doesn't fight back. This makes peter cry, so it is almost as if they have switched shoes. This book leaves you hanging. It doesn't say anything much after this little event. I would have liked to know a little more, but it's alright. I didn't really enjoy this book a hole lot. I am more excite dfor mu next book. "confessions of an econamic hitman". I am glad this book is done, it is more of an easy middle school book for younger kids.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This part of the novel was very different than the first part. I got different feekling from the first paper clip to now. We picked a good section to divide the book in. It gets different, at first , after first understanding who cole was, and how he lived, to even beating a kid up to now. I was irrateated at his charactor and seeing how mean he was, he didn't have a care in the world , at all. To now, I feel as if he is more caring and understanding for things and people other than himself.
On the island Cole was convinced that he saw the spirit bear, and it acually mauled him, But what makes this kind of ironic, is he said he caould easily kill the bear and he had absolutely no respect for the bear but then the bear, who i had my bets on, mauled the disrespectful kid. This seriously taught him a lesson though, he now knows he's not all that tough, nd there are things that could easily harm him, or even worst.
There has been more circle justice meetings, and even after trying to escape, and getting amuled, cole gets a second change at the island and takes it over jail, but this time you can see improvment. THis sort-of surprised me, i kind of could tell it was coming from context clues, and it's a book, and things like this happen, ...good endings.Or at least better. At the circle justice meetings, Coles mom is starting to take more of a stand, but the others, beside garvey, mostly, are being rude to him, and are not believing him for the mauling. IT is obvious from scrars but the lawyer on peters side still wants him thrown in jail. I like how cole is becoming with his second change, he is starting to take responsibility and acually trying to make better of his situation, The bear has taught him a lesson i n my opinion.

In Trouble

This is a story of a time I got in trouble with my best friend. In the middle of 8th grade, I was going to the close-up trip meetings every Thursday. I had already paid the the non-refundable check. It was a Tuesday i think, or somw day in the middle of my week and after my math class was lunch and my good friend found a wallet with 96 dollars in it. I was really excited because he said we could split the money and leave the wallet in the classroom. I thought we had won the lottery, I knew it was kind of wrong but my friend wanted to keep the money. As we were walking a teacher saw him holding up the money, he was showing it to me. The teacher said hey where did you get all that money from, and he said shockingly that it was his.

We did not think we would get in trouble, we thought since we found it we could keep it. Then we were showing it off to some friends. My friend let me hold it for the rest of the day, and I let another friend hold $20. I don’t know why, but I did, and I wanted to do was hold that money. I thought I was cool because I had $96. I felt rich, and powerful because usually I only have around $10 to $20 with me or at my house. I had heard that someone had lost their wallet, so I became scared and decided to turn all of it in after school, after I had thought of it I knew it was the right thing to do. So my friend who had $20 dollars and I were going to turn in the money afterschool and say that we found it on the ground.

During my 7th period class, my name was called to the office. I walked in and saw my friend in a room and he looked very depressed. So as I was talking to the principle, I was as stiff as a stone and very nervous. I told the truth, and the principle said that I was going to be suspended for one day and I might not be able to go on the close-up trip. The only thing I could think about was what would my parents say about this.The principle said that my friend would most likely not go on the close-up trip. We were going to room together too, our trip was going to be messed up. When I got home on that rainy day my mom was furious and my dad was disappointed and more understanding.

After the day I stayed home I wasn’t really nervous and on Thursday the teachers who were going on close-up talked to us and after all we were able to go on the trip and we did room together. I told a lot of people what happened and most of them said they would do the same thing. I was as happy as a clam when I found out I could still go on the close-up trip. And one month later, I went. My mom was really mad, but her anger went down with in a week. Also the principle said that no one should bring that much money to school, and that if someone did they should pay really close attention to their wallet. As soon as I found out who the person was who owned the wallet I wrote them a apology letter, I felt a little guilt but the person wasn’t mad because he got all his money back. After three weeks I forgot about it and everybody was focusing on the close-up trip.

Friday, March 12, 2010

To me. i find cars very interesting and because i am getting my license next tuesday, i bought a car. So for my first ride, i bought a used acura legend from my neibors who don't drive it any m. They kept the car in real good condition because the husband of the driver is a car enthusist and he is in to corvettes, so he knows a thing or two about autpmobles. Back to my "whip". IT is 1988 5sp manuel with a v6 2.7 liter motor. Yes, it is a stick shift, and i prefer that for a car because it is much funner and after i learned how to drive a stick, it makes driving less boring, and to me it makes me, to pay attention to what im doing. I can't multitask, for example, which is illegal now but, i could not drive and talk on the phone while eating, and listening to music having a coversation with my friends, who are in the car also. 
    My parents have alrwady told me the rules for me to drive. I can't rwally leave alameda, much, and i have to tell them, but io would any way. I can't drive my friends arounf because it is illegal, unless i get good grads i have to pay for my insuranse, which is kind of a bummer. But iam getting a 3.0 right now so i can get cheaper insuranse, which is awesome for me. 
    Yes, my car is a fix-er-upper. I do have some more things to do , added to what iv'e already done. So far, i have cleaned it really good, oty was very dirty when ifirst bought it. The car has been sitting for years, but after the help of a booster pack, it started right up. SO, the first day, i was the most excited iv'e been in awhile. THe nexyt day, icleaned the air filter, pump[ed up the tires, got seat covers and a steering wheel cover, and got black mats for the carpet. Back in the day this car was very expensive andwas considered luxury's. It has leather seats, but they are all torn up, ....explains the seat covers. The first time driving my own car, i was exstaitc, and i drove from my house to the gas station in south soure. I checked the oil there, and there was none. So my mom and i went inside and bought some, which i should of checked before i drove, but i was too excited.  The stereo set up in the car is pretty good for the year, the owners put an aftermarket stereo and speakers in it, and m ost like;ly dropped a bit of money on that. I made one cd with 20 songs on it and so far, its the only thing ive been listening to because i think i can replace the faceplate with  a new set up, so i can plug my ipod in, insted of making a ton of cd's.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

bad opinion

Dear Declan and Johnny boi,
I, so far, am lightweight enjoying this book. I say lightweight because the main character, Cole literally kind of makes me mad. He is a bully and is so disrespectful, its unbelievable. He is still very young and became very ignorant, and its sad theres actually people like this. I don't think, in real life, the whole circle justice group would not work on a person like this, but a year is a long time, so i can't be sure. But my prediction is he will become a better person in society. Garvey, the guy who is actually trying to help out Cole, and cares and actually sees and wants to fix the problems in Cole's life, gets treated very poorly. IT is sad, i am glad though, when Garvey says, "I don't waste my time on losers", so he says something that is negative against Cole, which i think is a good thing.
Cole has to go to the hut on the island, and is is so bad that he burns it down, while laughing, mocking all the people he hates. First off, someone took alot of time to build it, and money to but the materials, and is so arrogant, that he burns it down, and then, to top it off, he throws the blanket that Garvey gave him into the fire. And he swims from island to island, some how, he was supported in swimming, so he is a strong swimmer.
I like this book, and i don't, for example, Cole just makes me mad, but i know this is a fake story. Things like this do happen though, it is just describing a kid who had bad influences growing up and the change he goes through. HE beat up a kid, real bad, i think jail would have been better, but it;s just a book.

Friday, March 5, 2010


In order for some people to be happy, sometimes they have to take risks. Its not true for all peopel though. Motocross is a way of life for most people that do it. The thrill of racing against someone so close that you could tap them on their opposite shoulder, 10 feet in the air, is what i and all the motocross racers live for. For those uninformed of what motocross is, I will explain. Motocross is competition dirt bike racing which takes place on either large outdoor tracks mainly. There are many obstacles such as jumps that can be as long as 100 feet, to closely packed rollers, called whoops that can be knee deep in depth. Along with manmade obstacles, after a full day of racing the track will form deep ruts due to the tire tracks, and large braking bumps that can very easily throw an inexperienced rider over the bars. All of this is can be competed by as any as 40 riders at a time, which can make for very exciting racing. My cr250, 2 stroke is basically, or was made for motorcross.
There is a large consent from non motocross racers that it can not be considered a sport because of the fact that you are on a machine, and that it is not a physically demanding sport because you are only twisting a throttle. However, if you have ever competed in a race, or even rode a bike you would know. Some Recent studies from magazines ive been reading have shown that motocross is the second most physically demanding sport…in the world, trailing soccer for the number one spot. You are on a very powerful dirt bike lined up on a gate with 40 other riders all of which will start at the same time, and race into the same corner all battling for position. If you make it through the first turn, then you have the rest of the track to race a 20 minute moto on. You will be riding through crater sized holes, ruts, and rocks the size of volleyballs all at the 50 mph plus speed. After one lap, a beginning rider may become so tired they have to pull over. Throughout the course of the race, your arms become so swollen, a condition called arm pump it sucks. You lose hand control and you struggle to hold onto the bike. Now imagine not being able to hold onto the handlebars of your machine, flying 80 feet through the air, with people inches away from you on both sides. By the end of the race you are so physically exhausted that you can barely hold on after five laps of racing all out on an almost mile long track, that you are relieved to pull of the track. Now do that one or two more times in the same day. If that isn’t physically demanding, then I don’t know what physically demanding is. I ride on motorcross tracke, and ive raced quads.
The thrill of riding is the reason riders come back week after week. Everything important that you worried about earlier in the day, becomes obsolete the moment you start your bike on the line in anticipation of so much as a quiver from the starting gate. It’s also the reason we spend countless dollars just to have your bike competition ready week in and week out. The price however, is why most riders will never accomplish their dream of becoming pro and winning a world champion. And it is very expensive, which is why only a select few will ever be successful in the sport. People may say that it’s a waste of money, but those people will never understand why we do it. Racers are a different breed of people. We have to be the best, at everything that we do. Everyone in the pits on a race day are all there for one thing and one thing only, to win. If we don’t win, then the day was a waste but we will always be there next weekend, to do it all over again in hopes of getting what we came for.

Friday, February 26, 2010

My vacation in Europe

A good time of my life was my time in Germany, and especially in Munich. In my favorite pub/restaurant in the world, The Hofbrauhaus. During my 7th grade summer, my family and i went to Europe for a family vacation and to visit relatives over the Atlantic, primarily in Germany. First, we spent a month in Germany, traveling abroad with a rent-a-car we had for a entire month. Going from place to place for weeks. We had a great time and visited many monuments and famous museums, alot of large attractions for tourist. My favorite city in all of Europe, so far, or at least for the history is Stuttgart, In Germany. This city in reknown and famous for the cars it produces. The Porsche, BMW, And Mercedes factory all reside in Germany, not only factory's, but museums, and gift shops, and larger dealerships. I think Audi too,and Volkswagen has its own city dedicated to itself, because Volkswagen owns many other car manufactures, for instance, Bugatti, Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley, i cant remember the rest..I love cars, and i am fully German, so i really take a fancy to German cars. I've liked cars, basically, since i was born. My grandpa had a shop in Oakland, dealing mainly with Volkswagen's, so my dad worked there for his high school career. But also, other German car owners could go there with other German cars. I can talk about cars for a long time.
The Volkswagen city, well, i was there in 2006, so I'm sure it has changed alot. To start out with, i want to say this is a place i would lie to visit someday again, hopefully soon. Basically, it is like a giant mall for car enthusiasts, there is a shitload of buildings, and they all have something to do with cars in them. It is called autostat, i believe. There is a museum for 5+ car manufactures, Starting out with the vw building, because it is the biggest building in the whole city, beside maybe the factory, where they produce some of the cars they make. They have things and activity's for all ages, and even a huge library, full of thousands of books, for sale. For the toureg, there idea of an suv, has its own test track people can use. IT is a track full of obstacles and a water crossing, a place where you can really feel the car, and what it can do. The historical museums in autostat are amazing, and they are designing so many people can go through it every day, theres not really a crowd per car because its so big. One thing, i really enjoyed, is the theme of the whole park; there is fountains, and a really good ambiance in the way they build the city. There is clean cut grass and cleanliness everywhere. There is not one bad thing i can say about this town of car enthusiasts. Soon, maybe my senior year, i will return.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Human nature: Who participates in genocide, and why? What does the commonality of genocide lead you to believe about humanity

Holocaust Genocide
One of the worst events in history happened in Germany, in the 1930's and 1940's. This genocide is known as the Holocaust and roughly 6 million Jews were killed. Genocide is a mass murder of people by another group of people, for example, Jews and Nazi's. In my opinion, the people who cause mass murders, are not intelligent enough to realize what they are doing, and become powerful enough to control an army, or a group of soldiers who follow orders without recognizing the damage. I think the commonality in all genocides is that a single man who is backed by a group of men who have one goal that changes and they become mad with power and have no consideration for the victims. The victims most times, can be completely innocent and the person with control wants them gone because of their beliefs and religion, so their freedom and life are drastically changed because of a personal or her-ital choice they or there ancestors have made.
Most Genocides that have happened are infamous and on the Internet so its possibly to know about many of them. The holocaust is one that i knew some facts about but i just looked it up and it is one of the biggest mass murdering events in the world and in history. More than 6 million people died, but 6 million of them were of Jewish decent. The concentration camps also took out other religions and different colored people, so basically, anyone who was not blue eyed and blond haired white heterosexual male or female who was all there in the head was killed. They persecuted mentally ill and homosexual victims. this is an event that went down in history as evil, it is very sad, and only happened about 65 to 80 years ago. Many people suffered, not only the people who were killed, but everyone. The average people who were just trying to live. Most people now-a-days don't understand the pain that these people went through. The Jews had to give up all of their belongings and give them to the Nazis to help supply the money that was going into the holocaust.
What i know is that my grandpa and grandma on my dads side are both 100 percents German, and they were children when the Holocaust started, or when it was in motion, and i know their childhoods were very hard. They had nothing like we have today, absolutely nothing. My grandpa had to go to work on a coal barge when he was 15 because his family was so poor.It was very hard work for cheap because of the time era and his age. This is right after this genocide, and from the stories I've heard them say, and they were not really directed by the holocaust in many ways. My grandma says she remembers soldiers coming to his small village, but they were nice. All i remember from her stories about this is that her family became very poor. So it did affect everybody in the whole country.
I can even imagine the soldiers breaking down because of the killing of so many people, it is unbearable. To work at a factory that only kills people or die yourself, i just don't understand how this happened. Many of the German soldiers died from many different things, but one huge factor was starvation. There was not enough food for everybody, and many people quit working to be a Nazi, so even less food.
After writing this i feel very grateful to be alive in the best time yet, yes there is still many international and local problems. But for the most part i have a good live. I don't have to worry about starving or being homeless and i live in a good community. Even my dad's childhood was tougher than mine, he had alot of work, to help support his family. There still was starving people in his time, and even my time, but not so much in America as other countries. I am thankful for living in America.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the world

What to write about

I am getting a small dosage of the disease known as writers block. I am not sure what i can write about, ill resume in about 3 minutes after brainstorming possibly ideas. Well, im back and i have decided to write about movies. I watched the movie gamer this weekend and i did not like it because it was confusing and the topic did not intrest me. I did though kind of like the whole futuristic thing, and how the diresters think the future will be.
It is werid to think about how 100 years from now, our world will be completely different. 100 years ago, people who thought about the future thought that this kind of technolgy will not be avalible today, but it is. I have heard people say, if you go 100 years back, and ask a average person in an average town in he thought there could be a very small and thin tablet device that could hold so much information, and access the internet. THe iphone, or itouch, people then thought those kinds of things are rediculas.
We have came a long way in just 100 years, considering that the human race has been around for a long ass time, thousands of years. And there are still problems in the world, big problems to. Not everyone can eat, but there are individuals who have enough money to buy a country. I do thing if a person works hard, he should be able to earn almost what ever he wants. But there is a point where there is nothing else he could buy, nd there are families that are starving in parts of the world. It is funny how i started with movies and i came upon this subject. I think in the future, more problems will be fixxed, but more will start. I think i am going on with this subject for my next blog, because i can write alot more about the world, and problems, and countries, and movies.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Video games, and my brother

My Blog
I am Writing a quickwrite from the subject of videogames we did a few weeks ago. I can almost relate to this, not because i play videogames because i used to and my brother is an addict. He plays on his laptop every day and every night. His main game is called left for dead and he loves it. I know its not healthy for him and ever since he has started to play tons of video games, his grades have been dropping.
My parents took his laptop away to help him in his scoolloop work. They found out hes an addict because they have came into his room at almost all hours, and all they see is him, in his bed with the reflection of the light from the screen on his face and his plain face, with the sound of tapping fingers in a dark room.
I do make fun of him because its wrong for him to play all the time, and hopefully, if i continue, he will stop, or at least slowly quit down. I just dont want him to grow up and be a loser. Thats what happens, even my dad tells him, hes not even good at typing.He is interseted in computers, and wires, and hardware and all the computer gadgets and gizmos.
I used to play video games when i was younger, but so did everyone, and i wasn't getting obssesed. If i had the choice to go out and play with my friends, or stay at home and play video games, i would go out but my brother is the opposite. I got the play station 2 when it first came out and i won't lie, i played it alot, but in about 6th grade i prettty much stopped, i lost intrest and only played sometimes, if me and my friends were bored.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Birthday choices

Well, soon, a month from today is my birthday and i either want to go to an amusement park or paintballing. I can invite 5 friends, and me, so thats 6 in total which is even, so its a good number for an amusement park. Im learning towards six flags because it would be easier for a day trip. I am probably going to go to an amusement park because i think it would be funner. And we would have all day, and also its cheaper. It will still be expensive for six flags, but cheaper than paintballing, by alot for a group.
In march, i will have my license, i just have to pass the drivers test which should be easy enough. I am most likely going to get my neibors early 90's acura sedan, which is a good beginner car. I am just sycked to get a car, it is a manuel, but i can already drive a stick. At the base is where i learned to drive a stick, with my dads favorite car, acually its more of a truck. Its an early 90's vw vanagon truck, with a 4 speed, and like 1 1915cc motor, or something close to that. He bought it about 2 years ago, but raely drives it because it is really hard to find replaceable parts, so if he gets in any kind of accident it would be difficult to get parts. I like driving it, i just need to become smoother with my shifting, i have not drove it in a while though.
I really like cars and trucks and pretty much anything that has to do with off road or street racing. I have looked up and studied alot of stuff about these topics and youtube has been a great help, because no matter what, there is a video about it on youtube.

Friday, January 29, 2010

good ass music

I've deceided that i am going to write about music because i have been listening alot to some new bands and vampire weekend's new album. I really like vampire weekend, i would consider them one of my favorite bands. There style of upbeat music and catchy lyrics are great. I think they are considered an alternative band, which is a really popular style in modern times. They have a new song called horchata and its on all the time on my ipod. I like it because it is very catchy and the lyrics are singable.
Another band iv'e been listening to alot is Rx bandits, a ska band stephen rhodes put on my ipod This is a band with horns and it sounds very good. They do a greatr job on coordinating which instrument plays what when, it, in my opinion, sounds like they put it together like a well played out game of tetris. Another band that is really good and plays in alot of concerts is Arctic monkeys, they play alternative music and they singer has a very distinctive accent, you can tell who it is in all of there songs. I like to put the band on play and listen to all of their songs, when im on my ipod i just go to artist so i can listen to one band at a time.
Another type of music i listen to is rap, but only one artist, Andre Nickatina. He is basically the only rapper i like to listen to occasionly. He is really bad though, because he raps about cocaine, and killing and alot of bad things. Some of his songs are about things in life he has done or been through. I like his style of rap and he has alot of songs. My friend cameron introduced me to him, which was cool.