Friday, February 26, 2010

My vacation in Europe

A good time of my life was my time in Germany, and especially in Munich. In my favorite pub/restaurant in the world, The Hofbrauhaus. During my 7th grade summer, my family and i went to Europe for a family vacation and to visit relatives over the Atlantic, primarily in Germany. First, we spent a month in Germany, traveling abroad with a rent-a-car we had for a entire month. Going from place to place for weeks. We had a great time and visited many monuments and famous museums, alot of large attractions for tourist. My favorite city in all of Europe, so far, or at least for the history is Stuttgart, In Germany. This city in reknown and famous for the cars it produces. The Porsche, BMW, And Mercedes factory all reside in Germany, not only factory's, but museums, and gift shops, and larger dealerships. I think Audi too,and Volkswagen has its own city dedicated to itself, because Volkswagen owns many other car manufactures, for instance, Bugatti, Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley, i cant remember the rest..I love cars, and i am fully German, so i really take a fancy to German cars. I've liked cars, basically, since i was born. My grandpa had a shop in Oakland, dealing mainly with Volkswagen's, so my dad worked there for his high school career. But also, other German car owners could go there with other German cars. I can talk about cars for a long time.
The Volkswagen city, well, i was there in 2006, so I'm sure it has changed alot. To start out with, i want to say this is a place i would lie to visit someday again, hopefully soon. Basically, it is like a giant mall for car enthusiasts, there is a shitload of buildings, and they all have something to do with cars in them. It is called autostat, i believe. There is a museum for 5+ car manufactures, Starting out with the vw building, because it is the biggest building in the whole city, beside maybe the factory, where they produce some of the cars they make. They have things and activity's for all ages, and even a huge library, full of thousands of books, for sale. For the toureg, there idea of an suv, has its own test track people can use. IT is a track full of obstacles and a water crossing, a place where you can really feel the car, and what it can do. The historical museums in autostat are amazing, and they are designing so many people can go through it every day, theres not really a crowd per car because its so big. One thing, i really enjoyed, is the theme of the whole park; there is fountains, and a really good ambiance in the way they build the city. There is clean cut grass and cleanliness everywhere. There is not one bad thing i can say about this town of car enthusiasts. Soon, maybe my senior year, i will return.

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