Thursday, February 18, 2010


Human nature: Who participates in genocide, and why? What does the commonality of genocide lead you to believe about humanity

Holocaust Genocide
One of the worst events in history happened in Germany, in the 1930's and 1940's. This genocide is known as the Holocaust and roughly 6 million Jews were killed. Genocide is a mass murder of people by another group of people, for example, Jews and Nazi's. In my opinion, the people who cause mass murders, are not intelligent enough to realize what they are doing, and become powerful enough to control an army, or a group of soldiers who follow orders without recognizing the damage. I think the commonality in all genocides is that a single man who is backed by a group of men who have one goal that changes and they become mad with power and have no consideration for the victims. The victims most times, can be completely innocent and the person with control wants them gone because of their beliefs and religion, so their freedom and life are drastically changed because of a personal or her-ital choice they or there ancestors have made.
Most Genocides that have happened are infamous and on the Internet so its possibly to know about many of them. The holocaust is one that i knew some facts about but i just looked it up and it is one of the biggest mass murdering events in the world and in history. More than 6 million people died, but 6 million of them were of Jewish decent. The concentration camps also took out other religions and different colored people, so basically, anyone who was not blue eyed and blond haired white heterosexual male or female who was all there in the head was killed. They persecuted mentally ill and homosexual victims. this is an event that went down in history as evil, it is very sad, and only happened about 65 to 80 years ago. Many people suffered, not only the people who were killed, but everyone. The average people who were just trying to live. Most people now-a-days don't understand the pain that these people went through. The Jews had to give up all of their belongings and give them to the Nazis to help supply the money that was going into the holocaust.
What i know is that my grandpa and grandma on my dads side are both 100 percents German, and they were children when the Holocaust started, or when it was in motion, and i know their childhoods were very hard. They had nothing like we have today, absolutely nothing. My grandpa had to go to work on a coal barge when he was 15 because his family was so poor.It was very hard work for cheap because of the time era and his age. This is right after this genocide, and from the stories I've heard them say, and they were not really directed by the holocaust in many ways. My grandma says she remembers soldiers coming to his small village, but they were nice. All i remember from her stories about this is that her family became very poor. So it did affect everybody in the whole country.
I can even imagine the soldiers breaking down because of the killing of so many people, it is unbearable. To work at a factory that only kills people or die yourself, i just don't understand how this happened. Many of the German soldiers died from many different things, but one huge factor was starvation. There was not enough food for everybody, and many people quit working to be a Nazi, so even less food.
After writing this i feel very grateful to be alive in the best time yet, yes there is still many international and local problems. But for the most part i have a good live. I don't have to worry about starving or being homeless and i live in a good community. Even my dad's childhood was tougher than mine, he had alot of work, to help support his family. There still was starving people in his time, and even my time, but not so much in America as other countries. I am thankful for living in America.

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