Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Video games, and my brother

My Blog
I am Writing a quickwrite from the subject of videogames we did a few weeks ago. I can almost relate to this, not because i play videogames because i used to and my brother is an addict. He plays on his laptop every day and every night. His main game is called left for dead and he loves it. I know its not healthy for him and ever since he has started to play tons of video games, his grades have been dropping.
My parents took his laptop away to help him in his scoolloop work. They found out hes an addict because they have came into his room at almost all hours, and all they see is him, in his bed with the reflection of the light from the screen on his face and his plain face, with the sound of tapping fingers in a dark room.
I do make fun of him because its wrong for him to play all the time, and hopefully, if i continue, he will stop, or at least slowly quit down. I just dont want him to grow up and be a loser. Thats what happens, even my dad tells him, hes not even good at typing.He is interseted in computers, and wires, and hardware and all the computer gadgets and gizmos.
I used to play video games when i was younger, but so did everyone, and i wasn't getting obssesed. If i had the choice to go out and play with my friends, or stay at home and play video games, i would go out but my brother is the opposite. I got the play station 2 when it first came out and i won't lie, i played it alot, but in about 6th grade i prettty much stopped, i lost intrest and only played sometimes, if me and my friends were bored.

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