Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the world

What to write about

I am getting a small dosage of the disease known as writers block. I am not sure what i can write about, ill resume in about 3 minutes after brainstorming possibly ideas. Well, im back and i have decided to write about movies. I watched the movie gamer this weekend and i did not like it because it was confusing and the topic did not intrest me. I did though kind of like the whole futuristic thing, and how the diresters think the future will be.
It is werid to think about how 100 years from now, our world will be completely different. 100 years ago, people who thought about the future thought that this kind of technolgy will not be avalible today, but it is. I have heard people say, if you go 100 years back, and ask a average person in an average town in he thought there could be a very small and thin tablet device that could hold so much information, and access the internet. THe iphone, or itouch, people then thought those kinds of things are rediculas.
We have came a long way in just 100 years, considering that the human race has been around for a long ass time, thousands of years. And there are still problems in the world, big problems to. Not everyone can eat, but there are individuals who have enough money to buy a country. I do thing if a person works hard, he should be able to earn almost what ever he wants. But there is a point where there is nothing else he could buy, nd there are families that are starving in parts of the world. It is funny how i started with movies and i came upon this subject. I think in the future, more problems will be fixxed, but more will start. I think i am going on with this subject for my next blog, because i can write alot more about the world, and problems, and countries, and movies.

1 comment:

  1. yeah writes block sucks and it is weird to think about the future.good blog though
