Friday, January 29, 2010

good ass music

I've deceided that i am going to write about music because i have been listening alot to some new bands and vampire weekend's new album. I really like vampire weekend, i would consider them one of my favorite bands. There style of upbeat music and catchy lyrics are great. I think they are considered an alternative band, which is a really popular style in modern times. They have a new song called horchata and its on all the time on my ipod. I like it because it is very catchy and the lyrics are singable.
Another band iv'e been listening to alot is Rx bandits, a ska band stephen rhodes put on my ipod This is a band with horns and it sounds very good. They do a greatr job on coordinating which instrument plays what when, it, in my opinion, sounds like they put it together like a well played out game of tetris. Another band that is really good and plays in alot of concerts is Arctic monkeys, they play alternative music and they singer has a very distinctive accent, you can tell who it is in all of there songs. I like to put the band on play and listen to all of their songs, when im on my ipod i just go to artist so i can listen to one band at a time.
Another type of music i listen to is rap, but only one artist, Andre Nickatina. He is basically the only rapper i like to listen to occasionly. He is really bad though, because he raps about cocaine, and killing and alot of bad things. Some of his songs are about things in life he has done or been through. I like his style of rap and he has alot of songs. My friend cameron introduced me to him, which was cool.

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