Friday, January 8, 2010

A new year

New Years Resolution
At last, it is 2010, a new year, and what many people think is a fresh start. It is a fresh start, or what else could be called fresh start, For me, it is stay out of any possible trouble till i get my license, which is my goal.i can get it in about 2 months, i think i mentioned this in my last blog? Also, my second resolution is to save money for my car, for gas money, road trip or upgrade something, likw get a gps or better speakers.
Every year i here about this resolutions, and how people dont make them, or only do it for a couple weeks then stop, but i only need to do mine for 2 months, so i know ill complete it, then after that, ill just have to save money for those mentioned reasons. I am really excited about this goal, and because i am, it means i will try extra hard to get a license, but if it was , for example, getting good grades, i would want to but probably not put a huge amount of effort into it.
My resolution last year was to save up money, and i did, but i used most of it on a new dirt bike which i have explained before. I am acually going riding with it tomorow. i have also heard, maybe even the most commen resolution, is to either lose weight or diet there food eating habits, this is bad because it means that a lot of people are a bit chubby or obeist, which is very sad, but true. Many celebratys make goals for there new years too, but it is very different from a commen or average person because of their gross net of money. It could be do more or less films, or buy more properties. But thats good for them. i have to get some sleep because i have to awake at 530 in the mourning, im going riding at twain hearte.