Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not Sure about topic for this blog?

1. I would like to hear other people opinions on my work and my blogs. I think that someone my age would understand my blogs a little different than a teacher just because they know exaclty what it is to be in my generation as a teenager, a teachers point of view would have a different effect on my blog.

2. Also, i think my advice could be useful for the same reasons i stated above, because of my age in this generation. I need to doublecheck my work, but its wierd because i dont reraded my work, and i might not caught all of my mistakes i make on my own writing, but with someone else work, who has a differnt style then me, i could doublecheck, and caught some errors i would but they might overlook. It is possibly, but this might not work for everybody, because there is exceptions.

3.Personally, i would like to work with a mix, but more with my freinds, because friends "with homework at least" can be completely honest, like i said before, there are exceptions, but it would and can be akward being completely honest with someone you dont know too well, or dislike. For example, someone who really likes one of there writings, and someone they dont know told them it was bad, you might not take it in or care, but with a friend, there is more trust, and i would care if a friend told me my work was bad.

4.Some rules id like to see for writing groups are only comments that can help, and no put downs on other people work that would make them feel bad, because some people take pride in their writing. Im not even sure about what rules would really help writing groups?

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