Friday, April 2, 2010

skillsand future

My writing goals
As a sophomore in your class, mr.sutherland, i feel as if my writing skills have doubled to what they were during 8th grade, as a middle schooler. I have gotten a ton of experience from blogs every week. Doing logs every week is a great way to become a better writer because experience makes you better for almost anything you can thing of. And since i have to write around 800 words a week for just blogs, on top of every thing else i get for being in high school, i sharpen my skills,
I can still be a better writer, as so can almost every body else, besides professional writers. I know for a fact i can make improvement. And for my next few years, i think i see me writing even more than i do more. For example, the different classes i am going to take are possibly going to give me as an assignment, many essays.
I used to get alot of writers block syndrome, and as i continue to write, by weeks, i see change, and it is slowly going away, but not for good. I think i will always get it, and there is no permanent cure for it. But as always, i can try. As i am getting older, i would like to get more evolved in writing, for college. I know writing is a huge part of life as i get older, but for me and my career, i am not so sure after i finish college. I want to be like my dad, and be the boss of the brick company my dad made. I think i can take it farther because of the skills im going to be learning in my next 5-6 years in school, or more. Im not so sure yet, on what i want to do after high school. I am willing to do physical labor, because i already work for my dad alot. And i have been learning alot more about becoming a brick/stone mason. It pays well, but it is hard. Many hard days , and tiresome bights with early mourning's, as my dad has explained it.
I have already talked to my counselor, and as required i am going to take another two years of English, and hopefully i will get you next year, i have really enjoyed your class. Its a little different, but in my opinion better than my other English classes i have been in. Which require receptive spelling test, and home work than is barely different each night. I get board of those types of classes. This English class is not repetitive, besides blogs, which is okay, because of the open topics, or book reviews. I like that whole idea.
As for my pronunciation, i know i need work, i don't pay attention to this much because of spell checker, but i should because when i actually need to write with pen and paper, i will have to pay extra attention to this.

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