Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman last blog post

Confessions of an economic hit man

This is the final part in the novel, and it didn't change much for me. I felt almost board but still, it was slightly entertaining. I enjoyed this book, and after i finished reading it, i thought to myself about if i would recommend this book. I'm not sure if i would though, this book has good points and bad points to it. It Is a long book, and in my opinion it seems a bit boring. I don't like how long this novel is. For a book that goes on and on like this, i don't think i would recommend it. At least for people like me, who like more of action and car novels. For an older audience, this could be considered a good book. I think that this book is aimed for a viewing by a different catagory than most high schools.
This section of the book is about more of his life as an older person. A lot, this book is random i think. It will tell me about a lot of different things. Its weird how it is. It goes on about different stories and randomness. I don't want to read any sequels about this book. I can't really get into John Perkins whole writing style. He writes much more different than the books Ive been reading in high school. I think that this book was good but only for specified people. For example, i didn't enjoy it, but I'm positive others do, and will keep liking this book. I know that there are some people out there who are into book. I did not enjoy the whole idea of whole nations getting jacked out of there own money. It is sad and i don't think it is fare for the nations.

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