Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman, part one and two

Confessions of an economic Hit Man
In the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" the author, John Perkins, is also the main character. This book is non-fictional, and its really hard to read this when it is apparently true. It doesn't seem true, because supposedly secret large organizations that are not apart of the government acquire trillions of dollars from countries. So some how, it is really confusing to me, spy's and the people who back them up cheat whole countries out of huge sums of money. John Perkins explained his life as crazy and he did alot of things throughout his life, especially so far in this first sections. He dropped out of college which he thought was a good choice.After college, the military really wants him but he rejects the whole military idea for now. I am started to like this book. It is about a whole big picture, it is totally different than all the books i think i have ever read. Usually i read books about individual people or small problems, not how entire countries are cheated out of trillions of dollars in currency. This is so different, and so is the style of the novel. The writing is more relative to the government, and also the vocabulary Ive noticed, its bigger than usual. There are alot of big words in here i have never seen. I still don't really get how this whole system works out, like, for example, if trillions of dollars were missing, someone would end up noticing. That is, more than some countries even have. Hopefully, this novel will get less confusing in the next section. I thing it will most likely stay the same though, but i still don't understand some of the concepts and the ideas in the section so far.In my last opinion for this section, i like this book.
John Perkins describes himself as a spy, for a secret association who's job is to work with roughly ten others to find information out and keep things in order. But to do this job, he has to be highly skilled, which he is. Apparently he has been trained for years, even in high school was one of the best students in his class. His parents were high school teachers who were well-educated, and they made him switch out of his public school. Hos parents placed him into an all boy school because they wanted to keep him away from all the "sluts" at public schools. this section didn't really change for me.It seemed pretty much the same kinda stuff, but obviously different, like how john grew up. I didn't really understand what an economic hit man was until more of this section. there has been more examples Also, another thing i was thinking about is how many years this guy has put into his career, the training needed to be a skill full hit man who can deal with the pressure put on from handling trillions of dollars. The man has had so much training its amazing. The novel describes alot of his life getting ready for his job. I do in fact like this section more because it got more in dept about what an economic hit man actually does. John got into brown for a college but because bot of his parents went to middle bury for a college, he was transferred there too, as a tradition.There he acquired an academic scholarship. Brown gave him a athletic scholarship. Throughout his schooling he was a very athletic student which looked good for becoming a spy, and he try ed very hard in school. He earned very good grades that helped him became spy. He had it hard going through these top schools and getting good grades. In my opinion he is a good spy from this background.

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