Friday, May 28, 2010

A Clockwork Orange

Monthly review
A Clockwork Orange
This book was definitely the oddest book i have ever read in my life but i did enjoy its difference. It is a book that reminds me of another language because before you understand what they do, you have to understand how they talk. I want to give this novel a 71/2 out of 10 and i would recommend this to some one else, preferably a high schooler or older. It takes a mind with more experience with books to understand this kind of writing. I understood it by the end, but it was difficult in the beginning, i was lost.
Just one easy example of what it is like -
" 'Language, Language,' like smeckes a goloss, and then i got a like backhand tolchock with some ringy rooker or other full on the rot. I said:
'Bog murder you, You vonny stinking Bratchnies..."
With lines like these, i got confused many times. The entire book is like this, and the vocabulary is something I've never seen before. What i think the quote above says is ," hit his eyes, and got a backhand slap and got kicked and hit a lot of times. Then he basically said i hate you, and cursed him out". This is what i got out of it.
I think my favorite character in this is Alex, the is definitely not the best, but the main character and he has the most influence in the book.The way he changes is dramatic, but i think what he is before the change is interesting. He is worst than most criminals because he does kill people and he even rapes. More than once, but they only describe one, and the woman dies, which is tragic to the husband who is forced to watch. It is sick and demented. Here is the woman they raped and killed. He looks crazy and mean in all his pictures.
The authors purpose for writing this unusual novel is to be different. And it worked because the book became famous and many people have heard of it. I asked my dad and some of his friends about it and they knew, they have seen the movie. They almost disgusted too, because of all the nasty things the youth did.SO the author, Anthony Burgess did get his point across and spread. The intentions were to show how bad the youth is and what kind of violent acts they would do. It truly is crazy. So the youth is the worst age class when then book was originally written in 1962. It was a very long time ago, and the laws were very different. It was also in Britain, a whole different setting than America in 62. Its sad how he represents the youth thougyh, it looked to be like they were all bad and that they did really bad things, like rape and steal. They attitudes were bad too, they were often rude to women and didn't show any sign of respect to them or elders. As a matter a fact, before Alex's change, they had no respect for any body, not even theirselfs. So i think that Burgess might of seen or had something to do with the youth and their "terrible behavior".
So i enjoyed reading through this book, and i think that the type of style they use is interesting. I am going to go watch the movie now so i can get a better understanding of how they actually look. Another thing is i noticed is that there are some parts where i have no idea what is happening and i get completely lost. They start talking thick in their own language/style and i keep reading but i don't know how to interpret it. "Naughty little malchicks handy with cut-throat britvas--these must be kept under"pg167. So in this quote from a page closer to the end, i don't understand the scene. I think they are talking about knifes and the youth being bad. lot of stuff in here doesn't make scents. It's also kind of fun to though. Its unlike any books iv'e read because i always understand what they are doing because they use regular English that i use and they don't use weird words every 3rd word.
I would recommend this book to some one who likes different styles in books. This book has a unique personality, if that even makes sense. I want to give A clockwork Orange a good review and for a book written in the 60's that can still spark my interest is good. I think some day ill read this again, far away in time though.
I was also really interested when they got in the first fight in the beginning, it sounded like a good gang vs. gang fight and it had a good explanation on how it all went down and how they fought, but yet still confusing, because they said their own language, as i look at it. All the hooroshow malchicks in this book viddy on in and have fun old in out in out with random malchicks. That basically means that they rape random women. IT is still hard to understand g\because there is no set definition in what they are saying, so i can still be totally wrong wit what I'm saying.
Anthony Burgess, the author whose real name is actually John, was many thinks during his life time. An English poet, playwright er, composer, linguist, translator, and critic. All things he did very well in, and was known for them. Two of his most famous works are Dystopian and a Clockwork Orange. He wasn't super proud of it though. In 1971 it was made into a film, a clockwork Orange, He made many other books too, and some More became movies too, but none as successful as a clockwork orange.He was a famous man, and i think i might continue on reading some more of his books if i can find them.

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