Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quick Write
So after watching this funny video on social classes and youth groups in America, i decided i would go try and find this again, but I understood what they were doing, but i couldn't really hear what they were talking about.They seem to be totally different from now. They tend to act kind of like now-a-days though too. It is confusing to explain, but how they hang out is smiler and different. They still talk and hang out with both genders like now. They were cool for there time, and can be compared to the cool kids now.
Some of the rules they have are different from now and some are the same. If you or anyone basically breaks the rules, the social rules, it can be social suicide. I like that line. Social suicide, because it makes sense and can be true, but not literally. For example, if they say something that is really "Out of Pocket", new term i have heard a few times now, then they will get punished by the others by getting ridiculed.
They also have nice girls and boys and what separates them is different from now. But some of the same rules apply. If a nice girl gets pregnant, she is no longer a nice girl, true for both generations. Being pregnant at a very Young age is bad, but the older nice girls can be pregnant, and it wouldn't be bad. Because that's a miracle, and older people accept that, and they are old enough to deal with it on good and beneficial ways. But nice boys, its very different than nice girls, because guys can do more, a nice guy doesn't smoke anything or drink and gets good grades and has respect for there elders. But a bad guy gets in trouble and is the opposite of a nice guy, but there behavior towards others can still be good.

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