Friday, May 14, 2010

A Clockwerk orange

A clockwerk Orange
This book is still pretty trippy and shows how the youth in England, i think, mess stuff up. But there is a lot of parts I'm not understanding though. For example,:" P.R. Deltoid did something i never thought any man like him who was supposed to turn us baddiwads into a real horrorshow malchicks would do, especially with all the rozzes around". pg.77. Okay, so first off he uses many different terms for words in here. They say malchicks a lot, i think it is what they call each other, then horrorshow, another term used alot meaning perhaps bad, or dangerous.I am pretty sure that rozzes mean police.
So Alex, the head of the droogs is the bad ass of the four, He gets them in and out of trouble but when they start to doubt him, he needs to show his power. So he does this by taking them for a walk along side a waterway and he hits one in the privates, pushes two i n the water and shanks one that was in the water to show that they need to follow his directions. This act of violence only makes them angry, so then they set up a job to rob a ladies house. Alex breaks in, kills her and his so-called droogs call the police before he exits the house, so they are there when he gets outside. The part where he kills the old cat-lover is very gruesome and only for people who can take seeing it. So this is it for Alex. They put him in the slammer and he has many years to go through. But they also do testing on him, a lot of testing that makes him go crazy. They permanently open his eyes, make him watch people getting beat up for a long long time, and play a Beethoven song the whole time. They do this because whenever he is gonna do something bad, he wants to throw up. It stops him from wrong doing. I think this is almost too crazy, but then again, so is the book.

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