Friday, May 7, 2010

Iron man and a terrorist

I heard about a man who tryed to blow up time square in New York by parking his suv in an intersection with all sorts of different exsplosive things inside. Then i read a article about what really happened and i was slightly shocked and surprised by how dumb this man truly is. Primarly ignorant and full of hate is what this man is.
So apparently he had gone to a fire works store and bought m-88's, im not sure how many but the man who runs the store said they are weak. Besides fireworks, the car has gas in it which is very explosive. And he is said to have some kind of propane and gasoline thing in the back of his suv.After seeing some pictures, his suv looks worst because of the 3 20 gallon propane tanks. Propane is also very expolsive, so this might of been worst than i first thought. This man was caught all on video survalience, so he is screwed now. He even made it to the federal-no fly list. He can not fly legally on a plane, i think only in america though. He was going to Dubai and got caught after walking on the plane . I know that once he got caught, and now when he is looking back, he knows his life is over now.

Today i saw Ion Man two and i really enjoyed it. I really liked the first movie, and this one was just as good, if not better. I saw it in Imax which just makes it better. This movie was suppose to make box office numbers, and i heard it made 7.5 million dollars on a thursaday night. The main enemy in this movie was Ivan Vanko, a russian physicts. He is a genius and his father was partners with Tony Starks father. He was able to make a arc reactor to power his weapon thing. It is like some kind of poweful string attached to his arms. They made this charactor look very scummy and bad. He was almost like and evil scientist, and competing with stark and the iron man suit. Tony Stark went through alot of things through this movie. My thing that kind of surprised me is that he got wasted at his own party and was wearing the suit. WHen this happenes, he uses his power shooter thing and ruines a lot of his house. I guess he is so rich that he doesn't care about his house that much. After that, his friend puts on a another suit and they mess stuff up. The house gets ruined after the fighting. There was a twist in this movie, but it wasn't super big. I would definetely recommend this to pretty much anyone of any age. I saw all sorts of people in the theatre. I went with my family and some family friends to it, and every body enjoyed it. I am definetely going to watch this movie again, and i think my dad will buy it because he is really in to iron man.

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