Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Clockwerk Orange

A Clockwerk Orange
This is definetely the strangest book i have ever read. I have read through part one and i don't understand a lot of this book. I do kind of get what they are doing, and it seems like this are some sick youths. They are young and they stay in trouble a lot. They raped some one, and it was a graphic thing to read. I saw one of those top ten or something scary movie lists on mtv, and this movie was on it. Years ago i saw a scene where they went in to the house of the man and woman who they raped. It was sad yet very intence when i watched it, and that is the reason i picked this book.
The poeple who are in this speak their own language of old english slang plus english. Here is an example of how they talk, "But old Dim, as soon as he'd slooshied this dollop of song like a lomtick of redhot meat plonked on your plate, let off one of his vulgarities, which in the case was a liptrump followed by a howl followed by two fingers pronging twice at the air followed by a clowny guffaw." pg. 32. This is a very confusing line i don't comnpletely understand. I think it means=Dim was singing loudly while cuzing and dancing.It is very hard to understand what they are talking about. One word they use a lot is malchicks. But i am not sure what this means because they use it for many things. I think it has some thing to do with what they call their selfs. But they seem to use it in alot of different contexts.At the beginning of this novel, i felt lost and confused, and i didn't understand any thing.But after i read more, i started to understand, and get what they weree doing, They get it a lot of fights. They were fighting some other malchicks and the police came so they cut out. I think that this is a cool book to have read, I am going to watch the movie after this so i can see what they were doing for the parts where i got confused. Also, another wood they use, starting on the first page is droogs. I thing this is cool, It basically means friends. i like this book so far.


  1. yeah it was hard to understand when I read this book but the movie makes things a bit more clear even though they left a few things oit as movies tend to do.

  2. Yea, im going to watch the movie after i finish the book, it should help me picture what they are talking about.
