Monday, June 7, 2010

Final Blog!!! YAY

Final Blog
Over time, I feel as if my blogs have greatly improved. They have gone from an 8Th grade level and moved up to a high school level I feel capable of writing much better essays and or blogs than when I started in high school. After all the millions of blogs that I have written, I can see improvement, but I also can see where improvement must be made. It is in a few different ways too. For example, here is one spot where I noticed I needed improvement.

"Im not sure if this is enough words, i think its is but john mah said its not enough words so i am continuing on in my blog by just doing this and keep on typing to say watever else i can to make this fit on a whole pagh`e, i just typed a bunch of words, but i don't think i have typed enough yet, i am typing kinda pretty bad, its not good but i dont know what else i can say about something on his blog, at least i got plenty of new friends at this school, its good, yeahh."

This is an example of my blogs was before i realized or really even cared about what I was doing. It was terribly written and I did not use spell check or any kind of proof
"Yesterday i was talking with my friend about my blogs and i realized that my blogs weren't that good. Chris Maier inspired me to write about something that was more important and interesting to the reader. He has read my past blogs and stated how poorly written they were, i just wanted to get enough words but that wont help me and no one wants to read 300 words with no meaning."

This is a quote from one of my earlier blogs, after I realized some thing. I realized that I wasn't trying hard, at all. I was told from my friend who had read some of my blogs what he thought. I listened to him because I know he is a good student who is in to school. He told me I was lacking everything. I wasn't really talking about anything, just very random information. I just wanted to get to that 300 word marker, and I wasn't prepared to write 300 words that could be considered good or great writing. I needed practice and I knew it but I was lacking in effort to. I wasn't aware of how many mistakes I had made.

So after I understood the problem , I needed help to improve, so I asked some of my close friends, who also have your class. They gave me ideas and ways to write about something. I needed topics and more than that, information and feeling and everything else that is suppose to go into a blog. I then decided to spend more time thinking or searching for an acceptable topic that could interest readers, but also allow me to write in detail. It was harder and took some practice but i started to get it. It was coming easier too, after a few trys.

The other way i improved in the style of my writing is punctuation and spell checker. I didn't really pay any attention to this before because , at first, I didn't care a whole lot. I thought that it was just good enough to have finished and got all the words put together. But after I talked to more people who have to blog too, I found out it's not. To get the grade i wanted I had to change, to better my writing. So I started using spell checker and then re-reading it many times.

The thing I like about blogs is the chance I get to write about anything I want. Because it has a due date and effects my grade I will actually do it. So it matters to me, and I get to say what I feel about anything. What I have also been thinking about is that I get to read other peoples blogs, all in high school. Well, I can read more, but everyone in your class has blogs, so I get to read what they are doing. There are so many blogs from everybody, all the topics from all the kids are relevant to me, or most of them because they are similar to me in the way that we both go to the same school and we the have the same English teacher. We live in the same district and have probably been going to school for a while so i know a lot of them. I Think that google reader is a really cool thing. The idea to let me type a search and see what my peers are writing about is awesome. I have spent some time on it and i will probably continue to read them when i get board in summer, oxymoron. Well, i think I'll read more of them that have interesting topics.
The topics I write about are usually from something that has had some effect on me. The title of my blog list is "Why I ride" meaning riding dirt bikes. Dirt bikes are a big deal in my life, and so is everything off road. So I like to write about things that happen in the off road world or things I have done while dealing with bikes, quads or cars. I have a big interest in cars and engines, so I have done a lot of research on all things like these. Some people are really in to football, for some it's baseball, but for me , it's dirt bikes and off road. I went riding last Saturday so it's some thing I try to do on a regular basis. I will continue with this sport/hobby more intensely into the summer.
I am planning on doing a lot of work for my dad and selling a lot of stuff at my house so I can buy a truck, and hopefully when I enter English next year, I will have you, so I can blog about my truck too. Its basically #1 on my summer agenda, besides riding twice a week. Hopefully, actually definitely this will be my best summer yet and I am really glad I had you as my teacher. I will miss you and I'll see you next year. This year was great, and thanks for being a great teacher.

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