Thursday, September 8, 2011

First yearly blog

First blog post in about two years, I'm excited for blogging this year. I want to start this off by talking about how I feel on what classes I am taking this First blog post in about two years, I'm excited for blogging this year. I want to start this off by talking about how I feel on what classes I am taking this yet and why I choose what I did. First period I am taking environmental science which seems like an easy class where I learn a lot out the earth and ecosphere's and such. I am taking this class because I failed chemistry last year for one semester so I decided to take this because it's easier. My second class, which I am looking forward to is government/ economy . I feel like not enough students know enough about these two topics because we all took a citizens test and the majority of students failed. Also, I really enjoy history and I will be learning more. Economy is good information too. I have caziarc but I feel like Mr.Martin would be an excellent teacher because he knew so much about the economy. My third class is statistics which I am getting in to right now because I am understanding the information and I have a really chill class. I was never very good at math but since this is a lot of words,I believe I have a better chance at getting a good grade.

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