Thursday, September 22, 2011

[FREE] Baja 1000

The BAJA 1000 is quite an event that takes place in Baja, on the peninsula. An off road race with hundreds of racers on anything from quads, dirt bikes, trucks, buggy's, stock 60’s VW bugs, hummers and such on.It is through the Mexican desert, an oasis for off road enthusiast with much less laws. I have been there to spectate four times and of those four times, I have had no bad expierances. We drove there via truck and trailer with a family of 4 for the first time and then five for the next three times. Each time is a new adventure and a way to meet new people. We met many people there, and some that my parents still email from time to time. We brought dirt bikes all times, and that is how I met a really nice kid. I was riding on this beach that was called PETES CAMP, but it changed. Anyway, I saw a person that looked about my age on a dirt bike that he could not start, so I decided to help out because I was a tad bit bigger. I asked if he needed a hand and he did, so I kick-started his bike and we begun to ride together. For the next couple of days we hung out, in my trailer with my family or at his little home away from home in a little village next to the camp grounds, he was from Arizona. My parents met chicken farmers from Canada in a large motor home who emailed back and forth, they were really kind people. We had dinner one night. I believe my parents are really good at making friends while traveling, especially my father because he has done the most traveling In out household.Well, i might be going back this thanksgiving break.

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