Friday, September 9, 2011

response post

“It's amazing how people change over 4 quick years. I'm sure I've changed in almost every aspect, no matter how much I want to tell myself that I am the same old Adam.” This quote really caught my eye while opening reader. Being a senior, I look back on my years of high school and realize how different I really was. I was a little freshman with some friends from lincoln. Now, I go to parties and meet new people and have a much wider variety of friends. My interests have pretty much stayed the and the activity's I do have changed slightly. I am still into things such as trucks, cars, dirt bike, and skateboarding. My main friends have stayed exactly the same, but i have more current friends.. I have noticed kids hanging out with different crowds. Kids I never thought would do anything bad, hang out with the bad crowds and changed their personalities.. I would also like to think that i haven’t changed, but i know i have. No one can stay exactly the same all throughout high school. Stuff happens, like what class you are out in and things you see can dramatically change a person. Another thing that changes with age is knowledge, I do feel like I have learned a lot through high school. Some classes have really made a difference in my opinions and what I have seen on documentaries, especially in history classes. As well as writing, it has improved for me with all of the english courses i have taken. If I had a choice to stay the same age forever or grow up, I think I would choose to grow up, but it would be a hard decision.

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