Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BC]damn terrorist

Current Events post
US citizen charged over ‘Pentagon Bomb Plot’
            “A man was arrested in Massachusetts ahead of alleged planned attacks using model aircraft to bomb Pentagon and US Capitol”
This really piss’s me off. I consider myself to be very patriotic and when some US citizen living in America, attempts to kill real US citizens working in defense for America, I get mad.  He had it all planned out and was ready to go and kill innocent people with explosives and an AK47. His plan was to attach a GPS system to some model airplanes filled with explosives and send them directly to the pentagon and US capitol building. He wasn’t going to blow up the entire place because it is huge, but to destroy part of the buildings. I give credit to the FBI agents who went undercover and fooled this idiot. The agents pretended to be apart of Al-queda and got the plans for exactly what he was going to do step by step.
His name is Rezwan Ferdaus which sounds very foreign. He was not new to the FBI though, he modded some phones to explode with a switch in them. He seemed to be happy when he found out it worked. American soldiers taking orders in Iraq were using the phone which exploded. It killed Three Americans and injured four or five more. He should have been sent to the electric chair in my opinion, it’s not right. Killing someone in the American services is messed up. “That was exactly what I wanted”, was his quote.
Im glad to be an American and im glad we have the FBI and all of our armed forces to protect us. I like to think of myself as a republican, and they are really against terrorism. In the arguments about more anti-terrorist or more privacy for Americans, I think I would lean more towards anti-terrorism. In the sense of less privacy, because the FBI was randomly listening to people phone calls, if they saved peoples lives, I think it’s worth it. Although if they don’t, they wasted a lot of money, time, and pissed many people off.    
One thing I really got a kick out of was when another republican Donald Trump was going to run for the presidential election of 2012 and he was talking about terrorism, and Somalian pirates. He said something along the lines of, “ Give me one good admiral and a few ships, and I will wipe them out so fast”. I respect that. That sounds like something that I want to here, and he went on to say they don’t respect our country, and it’s hard to believe with rowboats they can take over huge tankers.
I saw a video on youtube that I thought was awesome. The navy found a crew of Somalian pirates that were loaded with weaponry, and they did not want to find, but were not cooperating in a good fashion. The navy took them as prisoners and lit up there boat with a powerful machine gun in front of them.
I do see how this is sad as well, from south park. Somalia is an anarchy with no rule. In Somalia, Cartman and his crew thought it was awesome to be pirates, but one pirate was talking to a member and said something about how he hates it, and if he doesn’t get money, he cannot feed his sick grandmother or family. So if they are born they, they don’t really have a choice on what to do. I guess this just means there is always more than one side to a story.   

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