Friday, September 9, 2011 Wow, this is quite a sad event that is going to change some lives. A U.S. soldier shot an Afghan journalist working for BBC in South Afghanistan because the soldier thought he was a suicide bomber. Both men were just doing their job, and a big misunderstanding occurred. I feel really bad for the soldier though, because he has to live with it and the family of the journalist. The soldier thought the man was a suicide bomber because there has been a lot of that kind of stuff gong on. The soldier was trained to kill, so i can’t blame him, and he wasn’t charged with any thing besides guilt. The event was led by NATO, in Afghanistan . There was two suicide bombers at the office’s of state broad radio television. The man who was shot was believed to have been holding something, like a detonator, but he wasn’t. He was possibly just clenching his fist.In the eyes of a soldier, it’s your life, or theirs, and i understand that he thought he was saving life's of Americans by shooting, but unfortunately was not. This also makes me realize how much journalist put their life's at risk to bring us current news. It reminds me of how much the journalist go through in wars. Many movies have army journalist's on field getting pictures and writing on what they see. They live war zones and write about that.

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