Friday, September 30, 2011

[FP] running for me

Since the beginning of our fantastical school year, i have started a new resolution. To RUN, indeed true to the fact that i have been running with friends of mine and my own doggy. I find it to be a great exercises, and most likely the oldest of all exercises. I mobbed to kohl’s with my mother to pick up the greatest nikey running shoes so i can be faster. The first run i went on almost killed me, Encinal market to Broadway with a full stomach, a dog, and skate shoes. I was not feeling all that hot after.I was sweaty and tired and dead and slow after.  It was a blessing in disguise though, in a way. Because about two weeks after i was already in better shape, and enjoyed going farther. I realized how much i had improved. I have a friend from o’dowd who was a runner for cross country that gave me a few tips and ran with me, i can’t keep up but it keeps me going. Its a push for me.
I used to go to 24 hour fitness but the same friend broke his stupid arm, so i pretty much stopped going.  I felt great when i did go though. It was a really cool experience to work out at an actually gym, it made me sore every time i went but i felt i improved my strength because i felt stronger. Fitness is a very valuable thing in my opinion.

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