Wednesday, March 24, 2010

finished the easy book!!!!!!!!

Touching Spirit bear
Dear declan and johhny
This book is, as declan said, corny. I would agree with that statement. As the last section ends, i can see the change with in Cole. It is true so far that he is good, for a kid and he is becoming better. This section, i feel was really about peter, more than the previous two sections.In Each section, Cole is still the main charactor though. So Peter has tried to commit suiside twice, and has many problems from when He was beaten up. Cole really doubts at first that they would even let peter on the island, but he gets there. SO peter and Cole live on the island and do alot of the same things every day, it does get repetetive.
Cole gets up every mournng and does the same thing, i guess this teaches him that he has to take responsibility kind of, he can't just do watever he wants, but what he does is his choice here. Okay, so he wakes up early then takes a rock up a long hill and goes to a pond. he takes a bath in the pond and it helps him to relieve his anger and get rid of his strees from his anger problems. At the end of the book, peter trys to beat up cole, and cole doesn't fight back. This makes peter cry, so it is almost as if they have switched shoes. This book leaves you hanging. It doesn't say anything much after this little event. I would have liked to know a little more, but it's alright. I didn't really enjoy this book a hole lot. I am more excite dfor mu next book. "confessions of an econamic hitman". I am glad this book is done, it is more of an easy middle school book for younger kids.

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