Wednesday, March 17, 2010

In Trouble

This is a story of a time I got in trouble with my best friend. In the middle of 8th grade, I was going to the close-up trip meetings every Thursday. I had already paid the the non-refundable check. It was a Tuesday i think, or somw day in the middle of my week and after my math class was lunch and my good friend found a wallet with 96 dollars in it. I was really excited because he said we could split the money and leave the wallet in the classroom. I thought we had won the lottery, I knew it was kind of wrong but my friend wanted to keep the money. As we were walking a teacher saw him holding up the money, he was showing it to me. The teacher said hey where did you get all that money from, and he said shockingly that it was his.

We did not think we would get in trouble, we thought since we found it we could keep it. Then we were showing it off to some friends. My friend let me hold it for the rest of the day, and I let another friend hold $20. I don’t know why, but I did, and I wanted to do was hold that money. I thought I was cool because I had $96. I felt rich, and powerful because usually I only have around $10 to $20 with me or at my house. I had heard that someone had lost their wallet, so I became scared and decided to turn all of it in after school, after I had thought of it I knew it was the right thing to do. So my friend who had $20 dollars and I were going to turn in the money afterschool and say that we found it on the ground.

During my 7th period class, my name was called to the office. I walked in and saw my friend in a room and he looked very depressed. So as I was talking to the principle, I was as stiff as a stone and very nervous. I told the truth, and the principle said that I was going to be suspended for one day and I might not be able to go on the close-up trip. The only thing I could think about was what would my parents say about this.The principle said that my friend would most likely not go on the close-up trip. We were going to room together too, our trip was going to be messed up. When I got home on that rainy day my mom was furious and my dad was disappointed and more understanding.

After the day I stayed home I wasn’t really nervous and on Thursday the teachers who were going on close-up talked to us and after all we were able to go on the trip and we did room together. I told a lot of people what happened and most of them said they would do the same thing. I was as happy as a clam when I found out I could still go on the close-up trip. And one month later, I went. My mom was really mad, but her anger went down with in a week. Also the principle said that no one should bring that much money to school, and that if someone did they should pay really close attention to their wallet. As soon as I found out who the person was who owned the wallet I wrote them a apology letter, I felt a little guilt but the person wasn’t mad because he got all his money back. After three weeks I forgot about it and everybody was focusing on the close-up trip.

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