Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This part of the novel was very different than the first part. I got different feekling from the first paper clip to now. We picked a good section to divide the book in. It gets different, at first , after first understanding who cole was, and how he lived, to even beating a kid up to now. I was irrateated at his charactor and seeing how mean he was, he didn't have a care in the world , at all. To now, I feel as if he is more caring and understanding for things and people other than himself.
On the island Cole was convinced that he saw the spirit bear, and it acually mauled him, But what makes this kind of ironic, is he said he caould easily kill the bear and he had absolutely no respect for the bear but then the bear, who i had my bets on, mauled the disrespectful kid. This seriously taught him a lesson though, he now knows he's not all that tough, nd there are things that could easily harm him, or even worst.
There has been more circle justice meetings, and even after trying to escape, and getting amuled, cole gets a second change at the island and takes it over jail, but this time you can see improvment. THis sort-of surprised me, i kind of could tell it was coming from context clues, and it's a book, and things like this happen, ...good endings.Or at least better. At the circle justice meetings, Coles mom is starting to take more of a stand, but the others, beside garvey, mostly, are being rude to him, and are not believing him for the mauling. IT is obvious from scrars but the lawyer on peters side still wants him thrown in jail. I like how cole is becoming with his second change, he is starting to take responsibility and acually trying to make better of his situation, The bear has taught him a lesson i n my opinion.

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