Wednesday, March 10, 2010

bad opinion

Dear Declan and Johnny boi,
I, so far, am lightweight enjoying this book. I say lightweight because the main character, Cole literally kind of makes me mad. He is a bully and is so disrespectful, its unbelievable. He is still very young and became very ignorant, and its sad theres actually people like this. I don't think, in real life, the whole circle justice group would not work on a person like this, but a year is a long time, so i can't be sure. But my prediction is he will become a better person in society. Garvey, the guy who is actually trying to help out Cole, and cares and actually sees and wants to fix the problems in Cole's life, gets treated very poorly. IT is sad, i am glad though, when Garvey says, "I don't waste my time on losers", so he says something that is negative against Cole, which i think is a good thing.
Cole has to go to the hut on the island, and is is so bad that he burns it down, while laughing, mocking all the people he hates. First off, someone took alot of time to build it, and money to but the materials, and is so arrogant, that he burns it down, and then, to top it off, he throws the blanket that Garvey gave him into the fire. And he swims from island to island, some how, he was supported in swimming, so he is a strong swimmer.
I like this book, and i don't, for example, Cole just makes me mad, but i know this is a fake story. Things like this do happen though, it is just describing a kid who had bad influences growing up and the change he goes through. HE beat up a kid, real bad, i think jail would have been better, but it;s just a book.

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