Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] amirs smarts

“In the short term it makes sense for a company to hire people based on appearance and have them represent you in the moment, although in the long run, awareness of your brand will only be captured by individuals who will progress themselves as well as the company to create appeal to new and different people” Amir Razavi, fellow friend 
Amir is an educated student that I think makes a lot of sense in what he is talking about most of the time. In this quote I took from his “Going for the Look” essay, I think he captures a solid idea of what works in the fashion industry. The companies want to hire people the best possible models for the financial interest. They want to earn, “overcharge and take” as much money as possible.
The 2nd part of the quote says that the long run, the clothing will be modeled by the individuals who wear them. So the people who buy the cloths will show them off after a while. Companies like American Apparel and Hollister want attractive young people to wear there cloths as well as sell in, so there target audience is old teenagers, young adults who are considered hot and handsome .Like Amir, I agree with what the companies are doing, even though it may not seem like the right thing to do. This is just my viewpoint. I think the companies should do what they want, I don’t shop at any of these stores, and most likely won’t in the near future. 

[CE]48 Exotic animal's all gone

WOW, this upsets me, some ass decided to let many exotic animals loose in Ohio, and they were all shot by local policemen with no choice but to protect the citizens.  The man then commits suicide, like a coward. Tigers, lions, and bears were all set free, so they did oppose a threat to residents all being man-eaters. The animals had no choice, and were most likely confused being in the environment they were in. The man let go of 56 wild animals, 18 being endangered Bengal tigers. All dead. Schools were shut down and panic ran through the city. Besides the tigers, 6 black bears, 2 grizzlies, and 17 lions were shot. Hunters were on this case too since it was farmland, they had to protect there land and families.
How did this crazed man accumulate all of these killers. It must be difficult to find them, especially in the numbers he has them, and the cost to feed them and maintain them. How would he keep them all healthy and in shape in cages and small enclosed areas. How did the Feds not already arrest him for having that many animals, or at least stopped him. These are no ordinary dogs, but enough dangerous animals to maul and kill many innocent citizens. t seems to be such a waste of all of these animals, especially the Bengal tigers which are endangered. That is something that would of been so much better if avoided.

[fp] Body Building

Muscle Building
In my spare time I have started working out to improve my strength and hopefully build body mass. I have a small set-up in my back-yard with a large set of dumbbells and barbells, a bench and a machine that I have not set up yet. The main reason I want to do this is because I ride dirt bikes, and increased strength will help me in all aspects here. Less fatigue over time and the ability to lift up my bike on the side of a mountain which can be extremely difficult. My bike is suppose to weigh about 220 empty-250 filled with gas and oil, and lifting that on the side of a slippery mountain with fatigue can take a large sum of time and the fun out of it.
The second reason I want to lift weights is because it would be awesome to be ripped. And it helps with most jobs, or any physical jobs, like the ones I attend to pursue in my lifetime, “brick mason + Firefighter”. Also no one fucks with dudes who are hella strong. It just adds a bad-ass factor. I think I am going to start taking a protein powder called cyto-gainer that some friends recommended to me. It is suppose to burn fat and increase body mass which is my main goal. I have heard about proteins that you take 30 minutes before a work out and they make you work out much harder and more intense.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[Going for the look]

Cohen is right in his theories that when you have good-looking people, you can sell more of what they model.  He calls it a “walking Billboard” . An advertisement in itself that seems to work well. Large company’s in the fashion industry want to increase profit and make as much money as possible, by any means possible. This is just one way of enticing a customer to purchase more products. I agree with Cohen on these brand enhancers.
To be honest, I don’t think it’s wrong, the CEO’s and people in power should decide what they want for the company, and whats best for the company financially. It can be discrimination, but the company is still giving out jobs to people, and there are still other places such as Wal-mart that hire based off of records.  The people who work for these stores are usually are young so i guess it’s good that the youth is getting jobs.
Cohen said that “A guy wants to go to a store where he can where he can see good-looking gals”. This relates to this so much more than just fashion chain’s and goes deep into history. People use attractive females to attract men and vice-versa. I think alcohol is sold this way quite often, using the opposite sex. Cloths are related in this sense as a way of turning men's and women's minds to a different set. A man is more likely to go shopping at a store full of supermodels rather than regular looking people. I'm not trying to discriminate though, by saying good looking and regular looking people, i just mean by the company standards on what they say. It is their opinion and their employees opinions on who they hire.
The retail market is a very competitive place and Cohen talks about how the environment is very important in the stores and such. For example, most places like Abercrombie and Fitch use loads of perfume or cologne to make there stores smell good, and make the people like the way it smells. It has to appeal to the youth to sell to the youth even though their parents are most likely paying. They want the youth to feel welcomed in there store and feel cool. Not all feel welcomed though, as they only offer jobs to people who they want to model there cloths, so those people who get asked to work there, anyone they are with like family and friends must feel quite awkward and not at “home” when it happens. I believe everything that is going on here because i have a very good looking female friend who was offered a job at these kinds of stores.
The way that they sell stuff now is relatively the same exact ways as they used years ago, as in the first time they sold things. I have no idea what time era that is but the techniques they used seem to be identical. Women, girls, females, seem to be the #1 way to profit for a man in the way things are sold. Although this is not true for everything, like Abercrombie and Fitch. They use Men and Women combined, making it seem as if they have romantic clothing, and that buying this shirt, or this sweater will get you a long time girlfriend.
I think that my friends and i have done this. For example, my friends and I went to the mall without parents for the first time quite awhile ago, and we saw many pretty girls. We walked by the vans store because the employees looked very attractive, I'm not sure anyone bought anything because we were young and didn’t bring a lot of money, but because of the girls, we walked into the store. SO if we were older and were loaded we might have bought some shoes or something and try to strike up a conversation with one of the workers.
Cohen states the truth in what he says's, if he agrees with it or not. His market research firm sounds very valid. He just wants to find the best possible ways to make big companies big money. I personally think that is should be up to the company to do what ever they want in this situation. Financially, the company wants to better itself so that's what they do.

[CE] Somalian children

Somalian children are dying in record numbers. Out of 10,000 children, 15 die each day as a effect of illness and drought. Its really sad and unfair how this occurres, the children have no way to defend them self. People are starving all around and are so poor that they have to live in plastic covered shelters. Roughly half of a million people are living this way.  The really depressing part about this story is that it is only getting worse and they have no way to better the situation. They are all very fearful of the rainy season which is coming. It doesn’t mean water for there crops or anything like that for them, it means it will come with diseases and illness’s that will lead to more death. Some rain has already came, it turns out that they were sleeping where it could rain and that two little children have already drowned.  Some agency does provide food for 3,000 people everyday, which is helping but not nearly enough for the entire population. The program that does this is called the WFP, world food program, but they understand that there is way too many people to feed. It is impossible for there circumstances. The last part of this video is the saddest part for sure. It really showed me that there situation is horrible, one mother lost four children the same way and had to live through it all. This video was something that i think needs more attention, from Nato or some people.

[re] Bums and potes

“I don't think anyone ants to support a person that is hurting themselves by giving them money to hurt themselves. So I think that food if you happen to have some, or a smile is a very good thing to do for a person” Amir Razavi  

I have a personal experience with this kind of a topic. My friend Stephen Rhodes and I were walking to the store to buy candy and drinks after playing sports at the park a while ago, on the way we walking near a homeless who was begging us for some money, Rhodes gave him a dollar, and he went to the store as well a few minutes after. On the way back we saw him walk out of the store with a pack of cigarettes, nothing else. This angered us because Rhodes was trying to help feed someone, but instead he thought it was more important to buy cigarettes. It was uncool of that bum and since then we have been a lot less giving to homeless people, we have heard stories like this as well too, so it is just not this particular time. When i was in Disney land walking there from our hotel, my mother gave a bum a couple dollars and he bought alcohol at a liquor store. These people are addicted and not being smart with what they receive. I do feel bad though because if there are war veterans that fought for our country, and are now homeless, i thing that is a really messed up system, but then again they could have been junkies.

[FP] trouble in the day part 1

This is my Crucible of a time I got in trouble with my good friend and I didn't know what to do.  In the middle of 8th grade, I was going to the close-up trip meetings every Thursday and I had already paid the the non-refundable check. It was a Tuesday i think, or someday in the middle of my week and after my super fun math class was lunch,when I found out my good found a wallet with 96 dollars in it.  I was really excited because he said we could split the money and leave the wallet in the classroom.  I thought we had won the lottery, I knew it was kind of wrong but my friend wanted to keep the money. As we were walking a teacher saw him holding up the money, he was showing it to me.  The teacher said "Hey, where did you get all that money from?", and he said shockingly that it was his.
            We did not think we would get in trouble, we thought since we found it we could keep it. Then we were showing it off to some friends.  My friend let me hold it for the rest of the day, and I let another friend hold $20. I don’t know why, but I did, and all I wanted to do was spend it on something i didn't need .It was pretty cool to have come up  about $50. I had heard that someone had lost their wallet, so I became scared and decided to turn all of it in after school, after I had thought about it, I knew it was the right thing to do. So my friend who had $20 dollars and I were going to turn in the money after school and say that we found it on the be continued

Friday, September 30, 2011

[RE] ZaccYY boy

“I have been told that I am very well informed, passionate, and that I lay political and economical concepts out well for people. Especially, when I go out of my way to basically explain certain ideas.  So, why give it up or, at the every least, why give up in certain aspects?” Courtesy of Zac GoldStein

Zac is quite the informed kid when it comes to many subjects or disscussional topics. He seems to be a socialist, almost Communist which is the opposite of my close friends and i, which is cool. Whenever i talk to him, he always knows about the topic and has a history on it.  I like having political discussions with him and a few other people because sometimes it gets interesting, and i tend to learn.
Another cool thing that we discuss is movies. I love movies, just sitting back, sipping on a cold one with a good ole’ classic movie in my dark attic room. The last movie i watched was “gangs of New York”, such a great piece of art. Zac is a movie buff, and kind of a dork, but we get to talk about the plots and actors of movies. What i like, and what i despise about famous actors. One of the last movies i saw which i think has the coolest set-up is “ The Expendables” just because it has every great action hero ever almost. It is stacked with starts such as Stallone,  Schwarzenegger, Willis, Li and a few others. The greatest part about it is the sequel is suppose to be coming out.

[CE] oxycotin raid

Airplane plant drug raid is one of the last things i would of thought of. Boeing, a huge company that produces some of the best planes and air crafts in the world was caught up in the employee section for prescription drugs. Some of the workers were caught by undercover FBI agents after a four year mission. People were be said to be selling and in high possession of illegal pain pills and others prescription drugs. They were being sold off, and was all set up in the factory where about 6,000 people work. 37 people were arrested.  Its almost unbelievable that these people would get caught up in something like this since this specific factory was producing planes and helicopters for the United States Air Force. A very serious business.
Pain pills are one of the most addictive drugs and are used by people of all age. Some how Oxycontin and many other forms of medication were collected. These drugs are very dangerous. and since they are being dealt with out doctors or pharmacist, people will abuse them to the point where they are getting high. I know from personal experience what they are because over summer i got my wisdom teeth pulled, and with out these, i would have been %$#@$%. I could only imagine what people do with these with out any kind of pain, and when they are taken every day. I only took about twenty vicodin in about a weeks time and it really did help with my mouth, but they people who take them for more serious injuries, who have to take them for longer end up getting addicted.

[FP] running for me

Since the beginning of our fantastical school year, i have started a new resolution. To RUN, indeed true to the fact that i have been running with friends of mine and my own doggy. I find it to be a great exercises, and most likely the oldest of all exercises. I mobbed to kohl’s with my mother to pick up the greatest nikey running shoes so i can be faster. The first run i went on almost killed me, Encinal market to Broadway with a full stomach, a dog, and skate shoes. I was not feeling all that hot after.I was sweaty and tired and dead and slow after.  It was a blessing in disguise though, in a way. Because about two weeks after i was already in better shape, and enjoyed going farther. I realized how much i had improved. I have a friend from o’dowd who was a runner for cross country that gave me a few tips and ran with me, i can’t keep up but it keeps me going. Its a push for me.
I used to go to 24 hour fitness but the same friend broke his stupid arm, so i pretty much stopped going.  I felt great when i did go though. It was a really cool experience to work out at an actually gym, it made me sore every time i went but i felt i improved my strength because i felt stronger. Fitness is a very valuable thing in my opinion.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BC]damn terrorist

Current Events post
US citizen charged over ‘Pentagon Bomb Plot’
            “A man was arrested in Massachusetts ahead of alleged planned attacks using model aircraft to bomb Pentagon and US Capitol”
This really piss’s me off. I consider myself to be very patriotic and when some US citizen living in America, attempts to kill real US citizens working in defense for America, I get mad.  He had it all planned out and was ready to go and kill innocent people with explosives and an AK47. His plan was to attach a GPS system to some model airplanes filled with explosives and send them directly to the pentagon and US capitol building. He wasn’t going to blow up the entire place because it is huge, but to destroy part of the buildings. I give credit to the FBI agents who went undercover and fooled this idiot. The agents pretended to be apart of Al-queda and got the plans for exactly what he was going to do step by step.
His name is Rezwan Ferdaus which sounds very foreign. He was not new to the FBI though, he modded some phones to explode with a switch in them. He seemed to be happy when he found out it worked. American soldiers taking orders in Iraq were using the phone which exploded. It killed Three Americans and injured four or five more. He should have been sent to the electric chair in my opinion, it’s not right. Killing someone in the American services is messed up. “That was exactly what I wanted”, was his quote.
Im glad to be an American and im glad we have the FBI and all of our armed forces to protect us. I like to think of myself as a republican, and they are really against terrorism. In the arguments about more anti-terrorist or more privacy for Americans, I think I would lean more towards anti-terrorism. In the sense of less privacy, because the FBI was randomly listening to people phone calls, if they saved peoples lives, I think it’s worth it. Although if they don’t, they wasted a lot of money, time, and pissed many people off.    
One thing I really got a kick out of was when another republican Donald Trump was going to run for the presidential election of 2012 and he was talking about terrorism, and Somalian pirates. He said something along the lines of, “ Give me one good admiral and a few ships, and I will wipe them out so fast”. I respect that. That sounds like something that I want to here, and he went on to say they don’t respect our country, and it’s hard to believe with rowboats they can take over huge tankers.
I saw a video on youtube that I thought was awesome. The navy found a crew of Somalian pirates that were loaded with weaponry, and they did not want to find, but were not cooperating in a good fashion. The navy took them as prisoners and lit up there boat with a powerful machine gun in front of them.
I do see how this is sad as well, from south park. Somalia is an anarchy with no rule. In Somalia, Cartman and his crew thought it was awesome to be pirates, but one pirate was talking to a member and said something about how he hates it, and if he doesn’t get money, he cannot feed his sick grandmother or family. So if they are born they, they don’t really have a choice on what to do. I guess this just means there is always more than one side to a story.   

Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] Nasa and history

Nasa is planning on designing and building a rocket ship that is twenty times more powerful than the Saturn five from about forty years ago. The Saturn five put humans on the moon, which was quite the accomplishment. The awesome thing about the new rocket is that they are taking there time with a budget of roughly 18 billion$$ just to develop, but the outcome will be tremendous. The plan is in 2030 to reach mars with people inside. A huge distance from earth.
                     I have always thought space travel was really fascinating and that NASA was the best in the business which they are. I have never dreamed about working for NASA for anything like that but i respect everyone who is in the space program. The moon was a huge deal for America and the rest of the world, but Mars is wayyyy farther, so it is going to change many things. I don't think we will find life, but possibly just clues on past life. I have seen videos about how there were possible glaciers and frozen ground water on mars from NASA’s video surveillance but that's as far as it got i believe.  I hope it all goes well, and if we do find life, they will come in peace. This project is going to cost billions, which can definitely be spent in other ways to better the American economy and other things, but this will change history. My vote goes toward space travel.

[RE] slappin in cars

“Well now that I worked in the Sound equipment that I have at home I began to upgrade the one I have in my car. My car's sound system has nothing done to it, its working with the stock sound system equipped.” Edwin Mora put this as one of his previous status’s. I find it very interesting because i just became friends with Edwin this year, and we have not talked about this. I am also interested in car audio systems. In my car, i replaced my previous blown speakers with some new speakers from Kragen, they were cheap but they definitely sound better than what i had. The front speakers are pretty much the same i had, but i put some DUAL, “brand” speakers in the back that sound alright. And i turned the bass all the way up, which sounds semi-bassy.
             I have done a lot of research though about sub woofers, and tweeters and regular co-axial or component speakers just because i was interested. Videos on YouTube on how to install them, and what is compatible is cool to me. I have a very old Acura legend, and i believe Edwin has a newer Honda civic, so our cars are kind of similar. Before i did anything to my car though, i set-up surround sound in my room and got to know a little bit about stereos and how they connect. It is close to what is in my car, a tuner/stereo and speakers. But the surround sound has a sub. I think it is cool that I'm not the only one with an interest in this topic.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[FREE] Baja 1000

The BAJA 1000 is quite an event that takes place in Baja, on the peninsula. An off road race with hundreds of racers on anything from quads, dirt bikes, trucks, buggy's, stock 60’s VW bugs, hummers and such on.It is through the Mexican desert, an oasis for off road enthusiast with much less laws. I have been there to spectate four times and of those four times, I have had no bad expierances. We drove there via truck and trailer with a family of 4 for the first time and then five for the next three times. Each time is a new adventure and a way to meet new people. We met many people there, and some that my parents still email from time to time. We brought dirt bikes all times, and that is how I met a really nice kid. I was riding on this beach that was called PETES CAMP, but it changed. Anyway, I saw a person that looked about my age on a dirt bike that he could not start, so I decided to help out because I was a tad bit bigger. I asked if he needed a hand and he did, so I kick-started his bike and we begun to ride together. For the next couple of days we hung out, in my trailer with my family or at his little home away from home in a little village next to the camp grounds, he was from Arizona. My parents met chicken farmers from Canada in a large motor home who emailed back and forth, they were really kind people. We had dinner one night. I believe my parents are really good at making friends while traveling, especially my father because he has done the most traveling In out household.Well, i might be going back this thanksgiving break.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

[RE] bucket list

“SHIT TO DO BEFORE I KICK IT: -Finish a novel -Live abroad -Live in Seattle -Visit Egypt -Learn an instrument -Fly a plane -Publish a novel “ by Grace Barrie This is something my friends and i were thinking about over summer. We had a lot of hang out sessions where we just conversed about this topic. Things we want to do before we kick the bucket, i have thought about it and found a few things. The number one thing is have a family, i want to have an average happy American family somewhere in the country. A wife and two sons, sounds good to me. This is a main goal of my life, and many other of my peers. Another thing i want to do is fly a plane. A bi-plane or some kind of little plane that i can cruise around. I love driving and this is another form of transportation. I have watched dozens of video’s on YouTube about jet planes, and what really fascinates me is when they break the sound barrier near the ocean. It’s an amazing thing, going so fast the sound barrier is broken. Red bull sponsors many things, like a flying race with planes that have to go through circular rings in a time limit. The g-force that these pilots go through is tremendous. I believe some of the best pilots go through the military to learn and the trick pilots who race for red bull. This is just a very interesting topic i want to be apart of. I will do more parts of this for my next posts.

[ce] poverty levels

US Poverty Numbers hit an all time high.

There is an astounding 46 million people in the US living under the poverty line. The standard for poverty in America is an annual income of about $22,000 for a family of four and about $11,000 for a single person. In America this seems to be crazy low amount of money to live off of. I feel very bad for these poor people because they are not living the healthiest of lives and poverty leads to crime. Stealing food and entertainment devices are on the rise as well. Poverty rate for blacks is 27.4% and the rate for Hispanics is 26.6% percent, the south had a 16.9% poverty. I live in a middle class house so i don’t know what it would be like to be in such poverty, but i have seen it in Oakland and other cites. It depressing because people try and work hard but it’s very difficult to come up out of the poverty level. For example, i play Texas hold em’ poker online and it is really difficult to raise my account level. Earning money is hard in today's market is not an easy task, I hope the next president will really change this around. It’s going to take a long time, but with the right amount of effort it can be lowered. Although this is possibly, it is on the individual people. People will always be poor cause there are things such as drugs, gambling, and alcohol that help people destroy their bank accounts.

[FP] part 2

My forth and favorite class of all of course is Mr.Sutherlands English, college preparation, and life class. For me, sophomore year English was more than just English, we learned a lot about life. I know my class mates and I really appreciated that class. Blogging will be an excellent way to get across thoughts and ideas and read them as well. I think the currents events post is a great idea because it will keep everyone up on what is happening in the world. My fifth class, I decided to be an aid for Mr.Stein to gain ten credits, so far I have set-up a ps2, surround sound and a big screen television.I like the people in the class so i am not thinking of switching out. At last, my sixth period class, I have yearbook. One of my favorites, a class I was in last year and many of my friends joined this year. It's fun because it's different from regular school classes, we get to make a yearbook. Stuff like interviews and pictures of sports and so much more gets done in that class. I find some some exciting, for example the sports section, we get to go to any games and take pictures and quotes from players and people there. I am glad i have what i have, it would be awesome to get 5th and 6th off like some kids. I am just looking forward to the school year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

college essay

My life has a few main influences that my world revolves . To start off, Dirt-biking, my favorite yet expensive motorsport. I needed to be able to fund this hobby. My father is a brick mason, so as a child, there was always work to be done. Loading and moving bricks, bags of mortar and cement, tools and such on. This business was in the family, so i was in the business. I've been helping my father a lot more lately because he broke his shoulder and had some minor heart problems. At first i was against it, but the more i helped, the more i understood that it can be my future so i starting paying more attention to what was going on.
                  Dirt biking really inspired me to work harder because i was in the market for a new dirt bike when i started to work with my dad more often. I knew my parents had helped me out a lot in the past, but this had to be on my own. It was fine by me because if i had paid for it myself, no one can take it away. It also came with pride, responsibility, and respect. My goal was set and I was very rushed on getting there. The time limit was as soon as possible, so i was in a slight hurry. I spent many time-consuming hours starring at the television monitor i set the old family computer up to. I greatly enjoyed researching and searching for new bikes.
               It seemed as if i spent every summer day with my dad going to work and learning more about construction.Other kids would go out everyday and play games and sports while i was doing things such as moving stacks of bricks for a full grown crew of workers. I would, from time to time wish i wasn’t trying so hard because i would get phone calls from friends asking to hang out and go swimming, but i had to reject them. Now, more of my friends have jobs so they understood what i was doing and i believe i gained more respect from my friends and peers.They knew what it was like to work all day and then be able to hang out, but be tired and sore. The workers said things such as, “Having a job at such a young age builds character”, in broken English.
                Well, more than a summer has passed since i really started going to work with my father and skilled labor crew. I was at the point where my dad would drop me off at the corner of Bancroft street, stay for about ten minutes, then leave for 4-5 hours at a time, although it seemed like forever. I spent a lot of time just moving material from pallets to places like under the pomodora orb statue so they can replace the dirt and grass with new granite cubes. So after a lot of jobs and time has passed, i felt like i had enough money for a quality used dirt bike, and i found a few. I called and checked them out, and one of them stood out to be the shiny new part of my family. A crispy 2002 Honda cr250.The first trip i took it on was to Dumont Dunes in southern California, a great place with sand as far as the eye could see.
             I can see my self doing this as a profession. Going to work and using my creative skills to build house, fire places, and walls. Solving problems and social skills are also greatly involved in this job. My dad was a mason and started his own business so i figured i would be apart of that.

Friday, September 9, 2011

response post

“It's amazing how people change over 4 quick years. I'm sure I've changed in almost every aspect, no matter how much I want to tell myself that I am the same old Adam.” This quote really caught my eye while opening reader. Being a senior, I look back on my years of high school and realize how different I really was. I was a little freshman with some friends from lincoln. Now, I go to parties and meet new people and have a much wider variety of friends. My interests have pretty much stayed the and the activity's I do have changed slightly. I am still into things such as trucks, cars, dirt bike, and skateboarding. My main friends have stayed exactly the same, but i have more current friends.. I have noticed kids hanging out with different crowds. Kids I never thought would do anything bad, hang out with the bad crowds and changed their personalities.. I would also like to think that i haven’t changed, but i know i have. No one can stay exactly the same all throughout high school. Stuff happens, like what class you are out in and things you see can dramatically change a person. Another thing that changes with age is knowledge, I do feel like I have learned a lot through high school. Some classes have really made a difference in my opinions and what I have seen on documentaries, especially in history classes. As well as writing, it has improved for me with all of the english courses i have taken. If I had a choice to stay the same age forever or grow up, I think I would choose to grow up, but it would be a hard decision. Wow, this is quite a sad event that is going to change some lives. A U.S. soldier shot an Afghan journalist working for BBC in South Afghanistan because the soldier thought he was a suicide bomber. Both men were just doing their job, and a big misunderstanding occurred. I feel really bad for the soldier though, because he has to live with it and the family of the journalist. The soldier thought the man was a suicide bomber because there has been a lot of that kind of stuff gong on. The soldier was trained to kill, so i can’t blame him, and he wasn’t charged with any thing besides guilt. The event was led by NATO, in Afghanistan . There was two suicide bombers at the office’s of state broad radio television. The man who was shot was believed to have been holding something, like a detonator, but he wasn’t. He was possibly just clenching his fist.In the eyes of a soldier, it’s your life, or theirs, and i understand that he thought he was saving life's of Americans by shooting, but unfortunately was not. This also makes me realize how much journalist put their life's at risk to bring us current news. It reminds me of how much the journalist go through in wars. Many movies have army journalist's on field getting pictures and writing on what they see. They live war zones and write about that.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First yearly blog

First blog post in about two years, I'm excited for blogging this year. I want to start this off by talking about how I feel on what classes I am taking this First blog post in about two years, I'm excited for blogging this year. I want to start this off by talking about how I feel on what classes I am taking this yet and why I choose what I did. First period I am taking environmental science which seems like an easy class where I learn a lot out the earth and ecosphere's and such. I am taking this class because I failed chemistry last year for one semester so I decided to take this because it's easier. My second class, which I am looking forward to is government/ economy . I feel like not enough students know enough about these two topics because we all took a citizens test and the majority of students failed. Also, I really enjoy history and I will be learning more. Economy is good information too. I have caziarc but I feel like Mr.Martin would be an excellent teacher because he knew so much about the economy. My third class is statistics which I am getting in to right now because I am understanding the information and I have a really chill class. I was never very good at math but since this is a lot of words,I believe I have a better chance at getting a good grade.