Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE]48 Exotic animal's all gone

WOW, this upsets me, some ass decided to let many exotic animals loose in Ohio, and they were all shot by local policemen with no choice but to protect the citizens.  The man then commits suicide, like a coward. Tigers, lions, and bears were all set free, so they did oppose a threat to residents all being man-eaters. The animals had no choice, and were most likely confused being in the environment they were in. The man let go of 56 wild animals, 18 being endangered Bengal tigers. All dead. Schools were shut down and panic ran through the city. Besides the tigers, 6 black bears, 2 grizzlies, and 17 lions were shot. Hunters were on this case too since it was farmland, they had to protect there land and families.
How did this crazed man accumulate all of these killers. It must be difficult to find them, especially in the numbers he has them, and the cost to feed them and maintain them. How would he keep them all healthy and in shape in cages and small enclosed areas. How did the Feds not already arrest him for having that many animals, or at least stopped him. These are no ordinary dogs, but enough dangerous animals to maul and kill many innocent citizens. t seems to be such a waste of all of these animals, especially the Bengal tigers which are endangered. That is something that would of been so much better if avoided.

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