Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] amirs smarts

“In the short term it makes sense for a company to hire people based on appearance and have them represent you in the moment, although in the long run, awareness of your brand will only be captured by individuals who will progress themselves as well as the company to create appeal to new and different people” Amir Razavi, fellow friend 
Amir is an educated student that I think makes a lot of sense in what he is talking about most of the time. In this quote I took from his “Going for the Look” essay, I think he captures a solid idea of what works in the fashion industry. The companies want to hire people the best possible models for the financial interest. They want to earn, “overcharge and take” as much money as possible.
The 2nd part of the quote says that the long run, the clothing will be modeled by the individuals who wear them. So the people who buy the cloths will show them off after a while. Companies like American Apparel and Hollister want attractive young people to wear there cloths as well as sell in, so there target audience is old teenagers, young adults who are considered hot and handsome .Like Amir, I agree with what the companies are doing, even though it may not seem like the right thing to do. This is just my viewpoint. I think the companies should do what they want, I don’t shop at any of these stores, and most likely won’t in the near future. 

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