Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Somalian children

Somalian children are dying in record numbers. Out of 10,000 children, 15 die each day as a effect of illness and drought. Its really sad and unfair how this occurres, the children have no way to defend them self. People are starving all around and are so poor that they have to live in plastic covered shelters. Roughly half of a million people are living this way.  The really depressing part about this story is that it is only getting worse and they have no way to better the situation. They are all very fearful of the rainy season which is coming. It doesn’t mean water for there crops or anything like that for them, it means it will come with diseases and illness’s that will lead to more death. Some rain has already came, it turns out that they were sleeping where it could rain and that two little children have already drowned.  Some agency does provide food for 3,000 people everyday, which is helping but not nearly enough for the entire population. The program that does this is called the WFP, world food program, but they understand that there is way too many people to feed. It is impossible for there circumstances. The last part of this video is the saddest part for sure. It really showed me that there situation is horrible, one mother lost four children the same way and had to live through it all. This video was something that i think needs more attention, from Nato or some people.

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