Friday, October 14, 2011

[re] Bums and potes

“I don't think anyone ants to support a person that is hurting themselves by giving them money to hurt themselves. So I think that food if you happen to have some, or a smile is a very good thing to do for a person” Amir Razavi  

I have a personal experience with this kind of a topic. My friend Stephen Rhodes and I were walking to the store to buy candy and drinks after playing sports at the park a while ago, on the way we walking near a homeless who was begging us for some money, Rhodes gave him a dollar, and he went to the store as well a few minutes after. On the way back we saw him walk out of the store with a pack of cigarettes, nothing else. This angered us because Rhodes was trying to help feed someone, but instead he thought it was more important to buy cigarettes. It was uncool of that bum and since then we have been a lot less giving to homeless people, we have heard stories like this as well too, so it is just not this particular time. When i was in Disney land walking there from our hotel, my mother gave a bum a couple dollars and he bought alcohol at a liquor store. These people are addicted and not being smart with what they receive. I do feel bad though because if there are war veterans that fought for our country, and are now homeless, i thing that is a really messed up system, but then again they could have been junkies.

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