Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] amirs smarts

“In the short term it makes sense for a company to hire people based on appearance and have them represent you in the moment, although in the long run, awareness of your brand will only be captured by individuals who will progress themselves as well as the company to create appeal to new and different people” Amir Razavi, fellow friend 
Amir is an educated student that I think makes a lot of sense in what he is talking about most of the time. In this quote I took from his “Going for the Look” essay, I think he captures a solid idea of what works in the fashion industry. The companies want to hire people the best possible models for the financial interest. They want to earn, “overcharge and take” as much money as possible.
The 2nd part of the quote says that the long run, the clothing will be modeled by the individuals who wear them. So the people who buy the cloths will show them off after a while. Companies like American Apparel and Hollister want attractive young people to wear there cloths as well as sell in, so there target audience is old teenagers, young adults who are considered hot and handsome .Like Amir, I agree with what the companies are doing, even though it may not seem like the right thing to do. This is just my viewpoint. I think the companies should do what they want, I don’t shop at any of these stores, and most likely won’t in the near future. 

[CE]48 Exotic animal's all gone

WOW, this upsets me, some ass decided to let many exotic animals loose in Ohio, and they were all shot by local policemen with no choice but to protect the citizens.  The man then commits suicide, like a coward. Tigers, lions, and bears were all set free, so they did oppose a threat to residents all being man-eaters. The animals had no choice, and were most likely confused being in the environment they were in. The man let go of 56 wild animals, 18 being endangered Bengal tigers. All dead. Schools were shut down and panic ran through the city. Besides the tigers, 6 black bears, 2 grizzlies, and 17 lions were shot. Hunters were on this case too since it was farmland, they had to protect there land and families.
How did this crazed man accumulate all of these killers. It must be difficult to find them, especially in the numbers he has them, and the cost to feed them and maintain them. How would he keep them all healthy and in shape in cages and small enclosed areas. How did the Feds not already arrest him for having that many animals, or at least stopped him. These are no ordinary dogs, but enough dangerous animals to maul and kill many innocent citizens. t seems to be such a waste of all of these animals, especially the Bengal tigers which are endangered. That is something that would of been so much better if avoided.

[fp] Body Building

Muscle Building
In my spare time I have started working out to improve my strength and hopefully build body mass. I have a small set-up in my back-yard with a large set of dumbbells and barbells, a bench and a machine that I have not set up yet. The main reason I want to do this is because I ride dirt bikes, and increased strength will help me in all aspects here. Less fatigue over time and the ability to lift up my bike on the side of a mountain which can be extremely difficult. My bike is suppose to weigh about 220 empty-250 filled with gas and oil, and lifting that on the side of a slippery mountain with fatigue can take a large sum of time and the fun out of it.
The second reason I want to lift weights is because it would be awesome to be ripped. And it helps with most jobs, or any physical jobs, like the ones I attend to pursue in my lifetime, “brick mason + Firefighter”. Also no one fucks with dudes who are hella strong. It just adds a bad-ass factor. I think I am going to start taking a protein powder called cyto-gainer that some friends recommended to me. It is suppose to burn fat and increase body mass which is my main goal. I have heard about proteins that you take 30 minutes before a work out and they make you work out much harder and more intense.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[Going for the look]

Cohen is right in his theories that when you have good-looking people, you can sell more of what they model.  He calls it a “walking Billboard” . An advertisement in itself that seems to work well. Large company’s in the fashion industry want to increase profit and make as much money as possible, by any means possible. This is just one way of enticing a customer to purchase more products. I agree with Cohen on these brand enhancers.
To be honest, I don’t think it’s wrong, the CEO’s and people in power should decide what they want for the company, and whats best for the company financially. It can be discrimination, but the company is still giving out jobs to people, and there are still other places such as Wal-mart that hire based off of records.  The people who work for these stores are usually are young so i guess it’s good that the youth is getting jobs.
Cohen said that “A guy wants to go to a store where he can where he can see good-looking gals”. This relates to this so much more than just fashion chain’s and goes deep into history. People use attractive females to attract men and vice-versa. I think alcohol is sold this way quite often, using the opposite sex. Cloths are related in this sense as a way of turning men's and women's minds to a different set. A man is more likely to go shopping at a store full of supermodels rather than regular looking people. I'm not trying to discriminate though, by saying good looking and regular looking people, i just mean by the company standards on what they say. It is their opinion and their employees opinions on who they hire.
The retail market is a very competitive place and Cohen talks about how the environment is very important in the stores and such. For example, most places like Abercrombie and Fitch use loads of perfume or cologne to make there stores smell good, and make the people like the way it smells. It has to appeal to the youth to sell to the youth even though their parents are most likely paying. They want the youth to feel welcomed in there store and feel cool. Not all feel welcomed though, as they only offer jobs to people who they want to model there cloths, so those people who get asked to work there, anyone they are with like family and friends must feel quite awkward and not at “home” when it happens. I believe everything that is going on here because i have a very good looking female friend who was offered a job at these kinds of stores.
The way that they sell stuff now is relatively the same exact ways as they used years ago, as in the first time they sold things. I have no idea what time era that is but the techniques they used seem to be identical. Women, girls, females, seem to be the #1 way to profit for a man in the way things are sold. Although this is not true for everything, like Abercrombie and Fitch. They use Men and Women combined, making it seem as if they have romantic clothing, and that buying this shirt, or this sweater will get you a long time girlfriend.
I think that my friends and i have done this. For example, my friends and I went to the mall without parents for the first time quite awhile ago, and we saw many pretty girls. We walked by the vans store because the employees looked very attractive, I'm not sure anyone bought anything because we were young and didn’t bring a lot of money, but because of the girls, we walked into the store. SO if we were older and were loaded we might have bought some shoes or something and try to strike up a conversation with one of the workers.
Cohen states the truth in what he says's, if he agrees with it or not. His market research firm sounds very valid. He just wants to find the best possible ways to make big companies big money. I personally think that is should be up to the company to do what ever they want in this situation. Financially, the company wants to better itself so that's what they do.

[CE] Somalian children

Somalian children are dying in record numbers. Out of 10,000 children, 15 die each day as a effect of illness and drought. Its really sad and unfair how this occurres, the children have no way to defend them self. People are starving all around and are so poor that they have to live in plastic covered shelters. Roughly half of a million people are living this way.  The really depressing part about this story is that it is only getting worse and they have no way to better the situation. They are all very fearful of the rainy season which is coming. It doesn’t mean water for there crops or anything like that for them, it means it will come with diseases and illness’s that will lead to more death. Some rain has already came, it turns out that they were sleeping where it could rain and that two little children have already drowned.  Some agency does provide food for 3,000 people everyday, which is helping but not nearly enough for the entire population. The program that does this is called the WFP, world food program, but they understand that there is way too many people to feed. It is impossible for there circumstances. The last part of this video is the saddest part for sure. It really showed me that there situation is horrible, one mother lost four children the same way and had to live through it all. This video was something that i think needs more attention, from Nato or some people.

[re] Bums and potes

“I don't think anyone ants to support a person that is hurting themselves by giving them money to hurt themselves. So I think that food if you happen to have some, or a smile is a very good thing to do for a person” Amir Razavi  

I have a personal experience with this kind of a topic. My friend Stephen Rhodes and I were walking to the store to buy candy and drinks after playing sports at the park a while ago, on the way we walking near a homeless who was begging us for some money, Rhodes gave him a dollar, and he went to the store as well a few minutes after. On the way back we saw him walk out of the store with a pack of cigarettes, nothing else. This angered us because Rhodes was trying to help feed someone, but instead he thought it was more important to buy cigarettes. It was uncool of that bum and since then we have been a lot less giving to homeless people, we have heard stories like this as well too, so it is just not this particular time. When i was in Disney land walking there from our hotel, my mother gave a bum a couple dollars and he bought alcohol at a liquor store. These people are addicted and not being smart with what they receive. I do feel bad though because if there are war veterans that fought for our country, and are now homeless, i thing that is a really messed up system, but then again they could have been junkies.

[FP] trouble in the day part 1

This is my Crucible of a time I got in trouble with my good friend and I didn't know what to do.  In the middle of 8th grade, I was going to the close-up trip meetings every Thursday and I had already paid the the non-refundable check. It was a Tuesday i think, or someday in the middle of my week and after my super fun math class was lunch,when I found out my good found a wallet with 96 dollars in it.  I was really excited because he said we could split the money and leave the wallet in the classroom.  I thought we had won the lottery, I knew it was kind of wrong but my friend wanted to keep the money. As we were walking a teacher saw him holding up the money, he was showing it to me.  The teacher said "Hey, where did you get all that money from?", and he said shockingly that it was his.
            We did not think we would get in trouble, we thought since we found it we could keep it. Then we were showing it off to some friends.  My friend let me hold it for the rest of the day, and I let another friend hold $20. I don’t know why, but I did, and all I wanted to do was spend it on something i didn't need .It was pretty cool to have come up  about $50. I had heard that someone had lost their wallet, so I became scared and decided to turn all of it in after school, after I had thought about it, I knew it was the right thing to do. So my friend who had $20 dollars and I were going to turn in the money after school and say that we found it on the be continued