Friday, April 23, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman , yayayaya

Confessions of an economic hit man
Only 1000 words left, haha. Okay, so this book is supposedly an autobiographical novel about a hit man backed by a group of professional men who cheat countries out of trillions of dollars. If this in fact true, which i highly doubt based on ive never heard of this and it sounds a bit ridicules. After finishing this book, i would reflect on it like this-it is very long for what it is, too many weird stories...From the books ive read, and i have not read a ton of books in my life, but i know i will start to read more because of school. Okay, so this book, only in my opinion though, is boring. As i have stated in my numerous other blogs, this is not the most riveting and intense book, but it does seem to get a bit interesting. I don't really know how to describe all of it, because i found it hard that it changes, so what might be true for one part, is false for another. I am not really in to these kinds of novels.
This book is not super believable because of this for example, there is a deal between Saudi Arabia and America for 200 million dollars. What?What is going on? Is has to do with waste management, and modernizing Arabia. Then it talks about air-conditioned malls and fancy things, and what not. i cant buy in to all this weird facts apparently. I don't understand, and the government is not really in on this whole thing. They don't sponsor the group.
This man is like James bond in the ways that he describes him self and his lifestyle. He is a spy and many other things, his job application and resume are very large.There are many parts in his book where he talks about how he meets a lot of new people and the people are usually high up in power and wealth, he has friends in high places, but also, from his line of work, enemies. I think this man, Perkins, likes his job, because it makes him feel powerful. But that does not look away from the stress he has, because working with that much money, and that many people, its hard to keep everyone happy. He is only one gay, but he does have people to help him. It is kind of confusing on who he works for and they use a lot of words i don't fully understand. That is what makes this book aimed for older people, i think. The words have a lot to do with government, and banking. I don't even know what else,. but they are in line with business.
Take the title for example, what does it mean. Confessions of an economic hit man. well, i think that this translates to the story of a man with a a lot of power and a mission, a job to get done. but it doesn't stop after one, its continuous. I'm not sure how many people in the world actually have this job, but i know it is few, there is no way that this is a easy job to get too. John went through a shit load of training and secret things to get to where he i know. I actually think ir is kind of cool how he got this job, i believe it is fake, even though it says it is real, but it is interesting, Perkins went through alot to be a hitman at a national; level, not just an assassin.
It says in this book that what Perkins does is as old as an empire. So i have two examples for this, or actually more l,ike opinions, so first off, Empire. What is he talking about, what empire and how old is that. I dont know much about the history of economic hitman, in fact, before this book i have never even heard of that. So apparently, it is really old, so way back in the day, people were cheating nations out of a lot of money, what ever currency the nation had. This sounds bazaar, but it might be true based on a smaller scale, because a lot of stuff has happened in history, and to say this has never happened would be a possibly false assumption, and slighty arrogant. Also, they use the word empire, and it is not really a direct age, or time period, and this has happened semi-much throughout the book.
I am glad i am done with this book, and hopefully my next book will be better, my past two weren't all that great in my view. Both the books are not really in my range of readable book that are good for my age and who i am. The last book was for some one in middle school, and this book is for some one older than me. Or perhaps some one with more of an interest in what this book was talking about. It is a kind of auto-biographical book, but it is aimed for a certain audience. Not my age really though. John Mah didn't really find an interest in this either, we talked about it and i read his blogs. Both the books iv'e chosen i have not liked, that strikes me as wierd because, i chose them, i judged the books by there cover, but it was vice-versa. And i was on the wrong side. I don't think i am going to get a third bad book for the last one. I want to get enders game, because all of my friends who have read it, seem to enjoy it. I know then i should. I can't complain too much though, i did get the experience of reading a book with a bigger vocabulary than what i am used too. I found some of the paragraphs in this book too confusing, but after i thought about them more, context clues helped. I wouldn't re command this novel to my peers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman last blog post

Confessions of an economic hit man

This is the final part in the novel, and it didn't change much for me. I felt almost board but still, it was slightly entertaining. I enjoyed this book, and after i finished reading it, i thought to myself about if i would recommend this book. I'm not sure if i would though, this book has good points and bad points to it. It Is a long book, and in my opinion it seems a bit boring. I don't like how long this novel is. For a book that goes on and on like this, i don't think i would recommend it. At least for people like me, who like more of action and car novels. For an older audience, this could be considered a good book. I think that this book is aimed for a viewing by a different catagory than most high schools.
This section of the book is about more of his life as an older person. A lot, this book is random i think. It will tell me about a lot of different things. Its weird how it is. It goes on about different stories and randomness. I don't want to read any sequels about this book. I can't really get into John Perkins whole writing style. He writes much more different than the books Ive been reading in high school. I think that this book was good but only for specified people. For example, i didn't enjoy it, but I'm positive others do, and will keep liking this book. I know that there are some people out there who are into book. I did not enjoy the whole idea of whole nations getting jacked out of there own money. It is sad and i don't think it is fare for the nations.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

spring break fun

Hey there
During spring break, i went basically no where.I stayed in Alameda and in bay farm. My spring brake wasn't all that great. My car broke down, and i was on bike for most of the break.And even a scooter for sometimes. I did go to a few parties. They were really fun, and at night time so even funner.
My mom went to Tennessee for the whole break because my aunt had a baby and she went up to help out and keep the other kids under control. So for the week it was only my dad, my brother and i. it was a guys week pretty much and we ate a lot of take-out that week. it was okay thou. I cant complain. I actually had kind of a boring break, a few days were wasted and i had some work. I spent a few days at an auction at the base with my dad, and we ended up buying a weight set. I am started to lift now.And the next day we bought another thing. I'm not sure the name of the machine, but it has a pull down bar and a pull down rope thing. It is tall, and i like it so far.
My car went into the clutch for a few reasons. First off, the clutch was slipping really bad. It is a Manuel car and i could literally rev to 4ooo rpms, and it would barely move. You could walk faster. It was all to do with the clutch.The clutch was completely replaced and now driving it again, it feels so much nicer.The car feels very different though, stalled when i was backing out of the shop it was in. When they replace the clutch, I got to see it and it was all worn to hell. It needed a replacement badly. The workers said it was really bad, it that is was slipping when i bought the car, but i never even noticed it. Now it grabs hard, and it feels alot better and safer when i am driving. I was scared to drive to the shop, so it was towed there. Another problem was the oil valve and oil pan gasket went bad, and they were replaced. Because they needed replacement, the car would smell like burnt oil if i drove it over 60, or for a long period of time. One more problem to top all of this off, is that the window on the drivers side, front, the main window wont go down,and i have no way to make it opne replace the contacts, because i think that is why and where the , i need to go inside andproblem is. And the air conditioning wont work, and summer is coming up, the fan wont turn on, and even when it did, the air was not cold,and not super hot either.This Saturday, i am taking it back to the shop, and going to ask the mechanics/my dads friend to look at it, and recharge it with freon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confessions of an economic hitman, part one and two

Confessions of an economic Hit Man
In the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" the author, John Perkins, is also the main character. This book is non-fictional, and its really hard to read this when it is apparently true. It doesn't seem true, because supposedly secret large organizations that are not apart of the government acquire trillions of dollars from countries. So some how, it is really confusing to me, spy's and the people who back them up cheat whole countries out of huge sums of money. John Perkins explained his life as crazy and he did alot of things throughout his life, especially so far in this first sections. He dropped out of college which he thought was a good choice.After college, the military really wants him but he rejects the whole military idea for now. I am started to like this book. It is about a whole big picture, it is totally different than all the books i think i have ever read. Usually i read books about individual people or small problems, not how entire countries are cheated out of trillions of dollars in currency. This is so different, and so is the style of the novel. The writing is more relative to the government, and also the vocabulary Ive noticed, its bigger than usual. There are alot of big words in here i have never seen. I still don't really get how this whole system works out, like, for example, if trillions of dollars were missing, someone would end up noticing. That is, more than some countries even have. Hopefully, this novel will get less confusing in the next section. I thing it will most likely stay the same though, but i still don't understand some of the concepts and the ideas in the section so far.In my last opinion for this section, i like this book.
John Perkins describes himself as a spy, for a secret association who's job is to work with roughly ten others to find information out and keep things in order. But to do this job, he has to be highly skilled, which he is. Apparently he has been trained for years, even in high school was one of the best students in his class. His parents were high school teachers who were well-educated, and they made him switch out of his public school. Hos parents placed him into an all boy school because they wanted to keep him away from all the "sluts" at public schools. this section didn't really change for me.It seemed pretty much the same kinda stuff, but obviously different, like how john grew up. I didn't really understand what an economic hit man was until more of this section. there has been more examples Also, another thing i was thinking about is how many years this guy has put into his career, the training needed to be a skill full hit man who can deal with the pressure put on from handling trillions of dollars. The man has had so much training its amazing. The novel describes alot of his life getting ready for his job. I do in fact like this section more because it got more in dept about what an economic hit man actually does. John got into brown for a college but because bot of his parents went to middle bury for a college, he was transferred there too, as a tradition.There he acquired an academic scholarship. Brown gave him a athletic scholarship. Throughout his schooling he was a very athletic student which looked good for becoming a spy, and he try ed very hard in school. He earned very good grades that helped him became spy. He had it hard going through these top schools and getting good grades. In my opinion he is a good spy from this background.

Friday, April 2, 2010

skillsand future

My writing goals
As a sophomore in your class, mr.sutherland, i feel as if my writing skills have doubled to what they were during 8th grade, as a middle schooler. I have gotten a ton of experience from blogs every week. Doing logs every week is a great way to become a better writer because experience makes you better for almost anything you can thing of. And since i have to write around 800 words a week for just blogs, on top of every thing else i get for being in high school, i sharpen my skills,
I can still be a better writer, as so can almost every body else, besides professional writers. I know for a fact i can make improvement. And for my next few years, i think i see me writing even more than i do more. For example, the different classes i am going to take are possibly going to give me as an assignment, many essays.
I used to get alot of writers block syndrome, and as i continue to write, by weeks, i see change, and it is slowly going away, but not for good. I think i will always get it, and there is no permanent cure for it. But as always, i can try. As i am getting older, i would like to get more evolved in writing, for college. I know writing is a huge part of life as i get older, but for me and my career, i am not so sure after i finish college. I want to be like my dad, and be the boss of the brick company my dad made. I think i can take it farther because of the skills im going to be learning in my next 5-6 years in school, or more. Im not so sure yet, on what i want to do after high school. I am willing to do physical labor, because i already work for my dad alot. And i have been learning alot more about becoming a brick/stone mason. It pays well, but it is hard. Many hard days , and tiresome bights with early mourning's, as my dad has explained it.
I have already talked to my counselor, and as required i am going to take another two years of English, and hopefully i will get you next year, i have really enjoyed your class. Its a little different, but in my opinion better than my other English classes i have been in. Which require receptive spelling test, and home work than is barely different each night. I get board of those types of classes. This English class is not repetitive, besides blogs, which is okay, because of the open topics, or book reviews. I like that whole idea.
As for my pronunciation, i know i need work, i don't pay attention to this much because of spell checker, but i should because when i actually need to write with pen and paper, i will have to pay extra attention to this.