Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Darn cap locks, lol. Okay i have decided that i am goibg to write about the art drawing i analized, fuck, I do, I have, I am. I think that Steinburg is trying to portray in this drawingh that there is three sepereate sections to a person. First off, "I Am", the base to this group of sections, is jus like the template, to who you acually are. Next is is 'I have', which is written like hanging cloths that is being dryed. Im not sure but, but i think this means what are your possesions and what do you own and questions like this, The cloths are materials ion the picture. The top and next question in this picture is "I Do", and it is like some kind of energy, kinda confusing. It is in the sky and and it is a bright array of colors, bright colors. I Do is, using energy to do something, i dont know what or if it matters what, but doing something. It is possibly to describe someone with these teree traits. Im making a ton of mistakes on this blog because i put the papr on the computer so i could see what im writing very good. Im not sure if this is enough words, i think itr is but john mah said its not enough words so i am continueing on in my blog by just doing this and keep on typing to say watever else i can to make this fit on a whole pagh`e, i just typed a bunch of words, but i dont think i have typed enough yet, i am typing kinda pretty bad, its not good but i dont know what else i can say about sometrhing on his blog, at least i got plenty of new friends at this school, its good, yeahh.

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