Friday, November 20, 2009

New style

Okay, for this blog i am getting a small dosage of writers block and i dont know what would be a good topic. But art least i am doing the blog this time, yeahh. so, eyy, ummm, well, o yeah, for thanksgiving im going to dumont dunes, but i already talked abut that. Wateve penis , ill talk about it some more. I havent got a new bike yet and im leaving tuesday, but i can ride a ktm 300, which is a big two stroke and i am going to get a paddle tire, but i am still hoping to get a cr250 dirt bike, which is a really bad ass bike. most freestylers use that bike. Well, i am super excitd for the trip and my best friend is going. Yep, this is prolly gonna ber the best trip of my life so far untill i gat older so i can go with only my friends which is gonna be awsome, just a guys trip going dirt biking but with girls too, it sounds really fun. I dont really know what else to write about but i think i am almost done with this hole post.Jerkin, ive been saying jerkin alot lately and i donrt know why, its that one song, jerkin, jerkin, jerkin. Its kinda catchy i guess but its alrteady gettiong old. And the people who made that song also made a dance called the jerk. Or jerkin, kinda wierd but not really that fun, just funny to do in froint of poeple. Okay, i need 40 more words in this post, or blog post to be more precise. I only need a few more words, what should i write about, umm\. im almost done with this blog, yEAHH. iM ABOUT TO GO TO LUNCH AND IT IS FOOD FAIRE DAY, BUT IM ABOUT TO GO TO MCDONALKDS WWITH ALOT OF MY FREINDS. iTS GONNA BE CROWDED THERER, LOOL, WATEVER, ITS GOOD THOUGH. gOOOD BYE BRUH. OPPS, CAPITOLS, MY BAD.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog posts, at least recently, have been full of you kind of typing at random, trying to get to the magical 300 word limit. I understand that writer's block sucks...if that's what the problem is, then I hope you'll continue using our in-class quickwrites as inspiration. The type of writing you're producing here is unlikely to pay off much in terms of making you into a stronger writer...Put more thought into it before you start typing and I promise you'll like the results better.
