Tuesday, November 10, 2009

today is a brand new day

I am very excited for thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving is going to be my best one yet because of the trip and the place i'm going for Thanksgiving. Also i am taking my best friend on this trip. Okay , so we are going to a place , Dumont Dunes, It is a place for dirt biking and quad riding. It it miles and miles of sand dunes, so i use different tires, special tires with paddles for sand only. Also, i am getting a new dirt bike before the trip, a cr250. Which i am super excited for, like the most excited i've ever been. This dirt bike is the shit. Im gonna buy an 2002 model so it will be a green sticker so i can ride all year long. Im excited, okay, so new topic, my dad said if i can get all A's for the rest of high school, he is gonna buy me a nice truck, so i am really gonna try hard to do it, i know if i put a ton of efffort in i can do it, and if do it, i can get in a better college, but the thing is i can't be in easy classes, like spanish 1 or something, and i wont be in pe next year. It will be a struggle, but the goal is worth it. I wonder how many words this is so far. I have to do all blogs the semester. So i have 50 more words to do in this blog at least, so whats new with me is that trip i blogged about already. i bought crazy core skittles because johan mah always buys them, but i dont think they are as good as the blue, tropical skittles i usually buy, i don't even buy skittles much, i also bought some smores pop tarts, wow, im really writing about somme wierd things in this post, lol, okay.

1 comment:

  1. You gotta remember: paragraphs! I don't give credit any more for blog posts that are all slopped into one big chunk. Break it down...Do it by Friday, please.
