Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What ive written

In the beginning of the year, my first couple of blogs were about dirt bikes, and my first blog also talked about my bad handwriting, i didn't have enough to write about, so i had to change subjects to think about more to write. I think i am better at writing blogs now because when i was beginning when i started i just named things i now and stated facts, and that kind of writing but now i write about things that are going on and things that are on my mind, before i explained everything thing in detail, but now i can just write things more like whats happening, you feel? lol , i have never said that. I still do that kind of writing i stared with, but its different. For the rest of this blog im gonna write about, idk? I dont know what to write about, im getting a little bit of writers block. Oh, yea, on my last blog i was talking about musicv, and maybe was also talking about ipods, i dont remember. i have these earphones i got at office max about 3 or maybe even 4 weeks ago. I listen to music alot, and these are good so far, they were 20 bucks, i kiinda want kicker earphones but they are like 60 or 70 bucks, and i dont want to lose them, because i have lost earphones. Huy Van Vo is my new best friend, idk, he smokes crack. Its not acceptable. What shall i do, he thinks hes sexy but hes a guy, i think. Hes crazy if u get to know him.Okay, back to subject. I think if i but them they might fall out of my ear alot, cause they are in ear. I might get them if my earphones i have now break. That was a wierd subject.

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