Thursday, October 29, 2009

New blog on new subject

Today, right now, i am going to switch up what i always write about. I am going to write about a new subject. Maybe on music, i really enjoy music, in fact i am lestening to my ipod right now. Everyday i always listen to it. Wow, almost everyone has an ipod, its amazing, there great. Okay, What i was going to say is when i do my homework or i am trying to fall asleep, i listen to some music. At home, if i am not watching tv, my tv is on everyday, i know, its unhealthy, I am lisetning to music. In my room, i have surround sound, so i can hook my ipod up to that for some good tunes and or i am using some old comouter speakers, but these speakers have a subwoofer and they are really legit, they have two setttings, treble and bass. The bass gets really lounda. For some old speakers, they are awsome. I really enjoy them. I listen to alot of diiferent types of music, my best friends are all in a band, and they play like, alternative rock, not hradcore stuff, but lighgter. I like it, they have done a concert at roosters once, and i went , they was alot of peple there when they had it. Wow, im typing really fast right noe, im usally nor fast, idk why. I need to keep up on these blogs, its easy but im missing 3. Which brought my grade down a whole lot. And my parents are ghoing to be really mad if they see it. I am missing An RDQ, or sumthing like that, but i havent made it up and i dont know what it is. I have been typing everything straight out of my brain, Everything here, i thought of as i typed it, lol, its kinda wierd, its surprising how there is peple who type like this for a living. Like, those people who go to starbucks with a laptop, there are always in there. i guess they dont want to be alone, wow, im in the computer lab, and i put both of these in ear buds in my ear and i cant hear my typing, I am not even looking at the screen, i really need to learn how to tpe with out looking at the keyboard, i know i would become alot faster if i did that. I tired, i just took a big test in my math class and i have a history test next. And yesterday in 6th period i had a big spanish test. This year i acually understand test more, like last year, i hadd alot of trouble in test and i didnt do alot of homework, but im doing much better this year, im also trying harder, its good. I think i am done with this post, it seems really long, ive been writing for like 10 minutes, i nedd to stop saying like so much.

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