Wednesday, October 7, 2009

(2.) The impact of racism begins early. Even in our preschool years, we are exposed to misinformation[3] about people different from ourselves. Many of us grew up in neighborhoods where we had limited opportunities to interact with people different from our own families. When I ask my students, “How many of you grew up in neighborhoods where most of the people were from the same racial group as your own?” almost every hand goes up. There is still a great deal of social segregation in our communities. Consequently, most of the early information we receive about “others”—people racially, religiously, or economically different from ourselves—does not come as the result of firsthand experience. The secondhand information we do receive has often been distorted, shaped by cultural stereotypes, and left incomplete.

(3.) Some examples will highlight the process. Several years ago one of my students conducted a research project investigating preschoolers’ conceptions of[4] Native Americans. Using children at a local day care center as her participants, she asked these three- and four-year-olds to draw a picture of a Native American. Most children were stumped by her request. They didn’t know what a Native American was. But when she rephrased the question and asked them to draw a picture of an Indian, they readily complied. Almost every picture included one central feature: feathers. In fact, many of them also included a weapon—a knife or tomahawk—and depicted the person in violent or aggressive terms

After reading these paragrpahs from the novel" Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafiteria", I annotated it. How i annotated it was by using the folowing methods, chunking and getting rid of redundency. Also, i added my own opinions and underlined what i thought was important. what i find useful is circling key words and underline the sentance, and then write my thought on the subject. I think annotating is easy, because im just writing my opinions and thoughts on the paper. In these articles, i annotated alot because it is showong the effects of the world, kind of, to a preschooler, because they did a survey with preschoolers and most of them drew what they thought of a native American. And what they thought of was aggresive men with tomahawks andf other dangererous things in their hands, and fethers in their headban. This shows that evern someone at the age of 4-5 can prejudice.

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