Friday, January 29, 2010

good ass music

I've deceided that i am going to write about music because i have been listening alot to some new bands and vampire weekend's new album. I really like vampire weekend, i would consider them one of my favorite bands. There style of upbeat music and catchy lyrics are great. I think they are considered an alternative band, which is a really popular style in modern times. They have a new song called horchata and its on all the time on my ipod. I like it because it is very catchy and the lyrics are singable.
Another band iv'e been listening to alot is Rx bandits, a ska band stephen rhodes put on my ipod This is a band with horns and it sounds very good. They do a greatr job on coordinating which instrument plays what when, it, in my opinion, sounds like they put it together like a well played out game of tetris. Another band that is really good and plays in alot of concerts is Arctic monkeys, they play alternative music and they singer has a very distinctive accent, you can tell who it is in all of there songs. I like to put the band on play and listen to all of their songs, when im on my ipod i just go to artist so i can listen to one band at a time.
Another type of music i listen to is rap, but only one artist, Andre Nickatina. He is basically the only rapper i like to listen to occasionly. He is really bad though, because he raps about cocaine, and killing and alot of bad things. Some of his songs are about things in life he has done or been through. I like his style of rap and he has alot of songs. My friend cameron introduced me to him, which was cool.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Final

The Final
How I have improved my skills

1. Explain one or two ways your writing has improved over the semester. Include a few examples from your posts over time, with analysis, to illustrate how the improvement(s) happened.

When I started blogging, I didn't really know how or what to write about. It wasn't till my 3rd blog post where I understood blogs. After my 3rd post I started to listen to music and it gave me ideas about what to write about. Music changed my mood, and it helped me write more and I was happy so my writing was better, in my view. I believe my skills were improving based on others opinions. Also, the other goal I made for my posts, and writing in general, is think about the reader. I needed to write about something more interesting and pick topics that would grab peoples attention, even in titles, no one is going to want to read a blog post titled BLOG. It sounds boring and does not grab attention. Because the readers are the people who are going to be commenting or grading, it makes more sense to think of some thing they would want to read. I still keep my own style but change little things after proofreading it.
My past work wasn't that good compared to my present work, I've made many improvements in my writing. One major change is organizing. In my beginning post I put everything together and it wasn't very organized. But presently, I've been putting paragraphs in my writing. Another thing I was bad at was proofreading for errors. Here's an example; "well,i like taking vacations, and trips.I'm actually taking a trip to L.A. this weekend, so i have to write before i leave. i am going to a off road event, the orange county fairgrounds will be full of sand rails, and dirt bike, and trucks. i am interested in all of this. then i am going to Disney land for my sisters birthday, and i am really excited for California screaming, every time Ive been there, i was too little or scared but i came over my fear and now i love roller coasters,". I use to not proofread, and try to finish fast. As you can see, I made many mistakes and used comma's too many times. An example of my present work is this whole blog minus that old post piece. I've had my friends read my work, and they said they have even seen improvements in most areas. It really helps when I get my friends to help proofread because they are not afraid to say if it's really bad or it means more to me when my friend says I did good, because I know they are not lying.

7. What have you learned from your struggles with writer's block? Why do you tend to get stuck? How do you tend to get unstuck? Notice any patterns?

I do get writers block, but what helps me a lot is music, because when I'm at home doing a blog post, I am listening to music, so I just change songs, which puts me in different moods. For example, Vampire Weekend, an alternative band which makes me feel good , it's really upbeat music; so are The Wombats, a British band, which my friends introduced me to. Both of those bands are good mood setters, so they are mainly the only bands I listen to while writing. I think it brings me to remember happy memories, so I write about that. I don't find it a distraction unless I am singing along or listening to it loud. I get a lot of my music from my two friends, Stephen Rhodes and Chris Maier, they both blog about music a lot. That is the first way I get unstuck, and if that doesn't work, which is not often. I go eat, go on facebook and watch television, and about half-an-hour later, I should have some fresh ideas because I had 30 minutes to think. And sometimes when I'll do something, and an idea will just pop in my head. This always works for me, and I've actually used it this year because I have run out of ideas.
Writers blog is very popular among young writers especially in high school, I've heard many teenagers talking about how they get writers block. I don't really notice any patterns in this problem or my solutions, the only thing I can think of that would cause this is having to write about something with no topic or writing all you know about something, but blogs are cool in that sense because we can change subjects, and if we look online, there are millions of different topics to write about. I find that the when I do get writers block, it is frustrating because I want to finish so I try to hurry up and find or think of an idea, unless I'm doing the thirty minute break, because sometimes, I'm in a hurry or I have a time period to finish it. In school, when we are at the computer lab, I do have time, but not enough time to get writers block and take thirty minutes off so I need to be a little bit quick if I want to finish in school.

8. How do you like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way you write, the way you think, or the way you think about writing?
Blogs have changed my style in writing by making me think more about what I'm writing. I'm still going off the top of my head unless I'm copying a Quickwrite, but I'll think about how to revise my thoughts before I write it down. I do like blogs for the most part; It makes me remember the good times. Also, one cool thing about blogs is I will have them forever. They are always on google documents and blogger, so as long as I can remember my account and password, I'll be able to access them. Also, I like being able to read and get to them from any computer, because of google documents, it is my favorite feature. It is nice to get comments on what I am writing on, its cool to see others peoples commentary, and it's good to hear criticism because it's a good way to improve on my writing. If everyone just said I did good, I wouldn't change my writing or know how to.
It hasn't really changed the way I think, besides making me write more informative for the reader, and looking for topics that some one would find interesting. I do think about blogs a little different since I have started, I take more time in them now, and it shows, or at least I think so. I also think about it for another reason, I'll have it forever, possibly, so I should try harder. In years from now if I look at these post, I don't want to think I could have tried harder, and I didn't put enough effort in blogging. I want to be proud and also, want to read them all, there is already 16, and I'm only going to write more, so it is almost like a small book. So far, this has been my biggest blog, and I've enjoyed writing about this because I can change subjects by answering another question. This is the end of my evaluational final.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not Sure about topic for this blog?

1. I would like to hear other people opinions on my work and my blogs. I think that someone my age would understand my blogs a little different than a teacher just because they know exaclty what it is to be in my generation as a teenager, a teachers point of view would have a different effect on my blog.

2. Also, i think my advice could be useful for the same reasons i stated above, because of my age in this generation. I need to doublecheck my work, but its wierd because i dont reraded my work, and i might not caught all of my mistakes i make on my own writing, but with someone else work, who has a differnt style then me, i could doublecheck, and caught some errors i would but they might overlook. It is possibly, but this might not work for everybody, because there is exceptions.

3.Personally, i would like to work with a mix, but more with my freinds, because friends "with homework at least" can be completely honest, like i said before, there are exceptions, but it would and can be akward being completely honest with someone you dont know too well, or dislike. For example, someone who really likes one of there writings, and someone they dont know told them it was bad, you might not take it in or care, but with a friend, there is more trust, and i would care if a friend told me my work was bad.

4.Some rules id like to see for writing groups are only comments that can help, and no put downs on other people work that would make them feel bad, because some people take pride in their writing. Im not even sure about what rules would really help writing groups?

Friday, January 8, 2010

A new year

New Years Resolution
At last, it is 2010, a new year, and what many people think is a fresh start. It is a fresh start, or what else could be called fresh start, For me, it is stay out of any possible trouble till i get my license, which is my goal.i can get it in about 2 months, i think i mentioned this in my last blog? Also, my second resolution is to save money for my car, for gas money, road trip or upgrade something, likw get a gps or better speakers.
Every year i here about this resolutions, and how people dont make them, or only do it for a couple weeks then stop, but i only need to do mine for 2 months, so i know ill complete it, then after that, ill just have to save money for those mentioned reasons. I am really excited about this goal, and because i am, it means i will try extra hard to get a license, but if it was , for example, getting good grades, i would want to but probably not put a huge amount of effort into it.
My resolution last year was to save up money, and i did, but i used most of it on a new dirt bike which i have explained before. I am acually going riding with it tomorow. i have also heard, maybe even the most commen resolution, is to either lose weight or diet there food eating habits, this is bad because it means that a lot of people are a bit chubby or obeist, which is very sad, but true. Many celebratys make goals for there new years too, but it is very different from a commen or average person because of their gross net of money. It could be do more or less films, or buy more properties. But thats good for them. i have to get some sleep because i have to awake at 530 in the mourning, im going riding at twain hearte.