Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A new start

I am going to write about a trip. A great trip i took with my friends. Last winter i went snowboarding with 3 of my friends, Cameron, stephen, and jj. We left Camerons house at 4 am on a saturday mourning. That night we didn't fall asleep till 3 and got about an hours worth of sleep. After we awoke we hopped in the car and drove about an hour and a half to pick up jj, we doesn't live in alameda. We arrived at sugar bowl at roughly 6:30 after a stop at denny's. We got out of the car and put our snow clothing on then walked over to the building and registration area, or watever it is called. After we all payed and rented snowboards we hit the slopes and took the first hill, it wasn't the bunny hill, and i forgot name and after we got to the top, i buckled my bindings and took off, after a short run, i fell, on my back, and sled down the icy mountain. I got up and tried again, and once again, the same thing has happened, i tried again, it took me along time to get down the mountain, and i fell many times. I got down and my friends were waiting for me, next was the bunny hill, which i did alittle bit better at. All day was hard for me because it takes a few trips to be able to go all the way down a mountain with out falling. I did almost all runs, there was a few black diamonds i wasn't about to try, but for the most part i felt i did ok, until the end of the day which was all bad.
So after we stopped for lunch at the overpriced cafe, we hit some more runs, they at a really long hill, where the more speed you get, the better, so you won't hace to walk when it gets to be flat, and it is hard to unbuckle, the walk with a snowboard in deep snow, so, i decided to get speed by going straight and i was going at a decent speed, i thought it was really fast, and the, the worst thing that could of happened happened, the side of the board dug into the snow, and then my face, acually, my forehead hit the ground really hard, and i couldnt move alot, so i went to the side with my friend and layed down for like 20 minutes, after that i we walked to the building then i sat down and we talked till we left, for maybe an hour. We walked to the car and drove home sfter that.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Better Blogs

Yesterday i was talking with my friend about my blogs and i realized that my blogs werent that good. Chris Maier inspired me to write about something that was more important and interesting to the reader. He has read my past blogs and stated how poorly writtten they were, i just wanted to get enough words but that wont help me and no one wants to read 300 words with no meaning. So i need to write about a good topic that i could write more than one or two blogs about. im going to write about more trips and everywhere ive been out of the Bay area. Im going to start with a short blog about my birthday this year in March.

So Its my birthday and im turning 15 years old and im going to a place that i got to pick out, pismo beach, with my family and family friends which was good because i like going riding with alot of people, and taking rides with the fastest riders is fun. Usally, i dont go out to far unless im with someone else, just in case something acually happens, or if my bike breaksdown, i have a way to go get help.okay, so after the 7 hour drive to get there we didnt get stuck in the sand, we had a truck and 18 ft. flat trailer with all the bikes and quads. It was kinda heavy but not too bad, because the heavier the load, the easier it is to get stuck. so we parked and unloaded and i started to ride around camp and its a beach, so i was riding next to the water to try and pull up saome wheelies, but i wasnt that good at holding a wheelie, i needed more practice. i am going to continue this blog later.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Darn cap locks, lol. Okay i have decided that i am goibg to write about the art drawing i analized, fuck, I do, I have, I am. I think that Steinburg is trying to portray in this drawingh that there is three sepereate sections to a person. First off, "I Am", the base to this group of sections, is jus like the template, to who you acually are. Next is is 'I have', which is written like hanging cloths that is being dryed. Im not sure but, but i think this means what are your possesions and what do you own and questions like this, The cloths are materials ion the picture. The top and next question in this picture is "I Do", and it is like some kind of energy, kinda confusing. It is in the sky and and it is a bright array of colors, bright colors. I Do is, using energy to do something, i dont know what or if it matters what, but doing something. It is possibly to describe someone with these teree traits. Im making a ton of mistakes on this blog because i put the papr on the computer so i could see what im writing very good. Im not sure if this is enough words, i think itr is but john mah said its not enough words so i am continueing on in my blog by just doing this and keep on typing to say watever else i can to make this fit on a whole pagh`e, i just typed a bunch of words, but i dont think i have typed enough yet, i am typing kinda pretty bad, its not good but i dont know what else i can say about sometrhing on his blog, at least i got plenty of new friends at this school, its good, yeahh.