Friday, November 20, 2009

New style

Okay, for this blog i am getting a small dosage of writers block and i dont know what would be a good topic. But art least i am doing the blog this time, yeahh. so, eyy, ummm, well, o yeah, for thanksgiving im going to dumont dunes, but i already talked abut that. Wateve penis , ill talk about it some more. I havent got a new bike yet and im leaving tuesday, but i can ride a ktm 300, which is a big two stroke and i am going to get a paddle tire, but i am still hoping to get a cr250 dirt bike, which is a really bad ass bike. most freestylers use that bike. Well, i am super excitd for the trip and my best friend is going. Yep, this is prolly gonna ber the best trip of my life so far untill i gat older so i can go with only my friends which is gonna be awsome, just a guys trip going dirt biking but with girls too, it sounds really fun. I dont really know what else to write about but i think i am almost done with this hole post.Jerkin, ive been saying jerkin alot lately and i donrt know why, its that one song, jerkin, jerkin, jerkin. Its kinda catchy i guess but its alrteady gettiong old. And the people who made that song also made a dance called the jerk. Or jerkin, kinda wierd but not really that fun, just funny to do in froint of poeple. Okay, i need 40 more words in this post, or blog post to be more precise. I only need a few more words, what should i write about, umm\. im almost done with this blog, yEAHH. iM ABOUT TO GO TO LUNCH AND IT IS FOOD FAIRE DAY, BUT IM ABOUT TO GO TO MCDONALKDS WWITH ALOT OF MY FREINDS. iTS GONNA BE CROWDED THERER, LOOL, WATEVER, ITS GOOD THOUGH. gOOOD BYE BRUH. OPPS, CAPITOLS, MY BAD.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

today is a brand new day

I am very excited for thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving is going to be my best one yet because of the trip and the place i'm going for Thanksgiving. Also i am taking my best friend on this trip. Okay , so we are going to a place , Dumont Dunes, It is a place for dirt biking and quad riding. It it miles and miles of sand dunes, so i use different tires, special tires with paddles for sand only. Also, i am getting a new dirt bike before the trip, a cr250. Which i am super excited for, like the most excited i've ever been. This dirt bike is the shit. Im gonna buy an 2002 model so it will be a green sticker so i can ride all year long. Im excited, okay, so new topic, my dad said if i can get all A's for the rest of high school, he is gonna buy me a nice truck, so i am really gonna try hard to do it, i know if i put a ton of efffort in i can do it, and if do it, i can get in a better college, but the thing is i can't be in easy classes, like spanish 1 or something, and i wont be in pe next year. It will be a struggle, but the goal is worth it. I wonder how many words this is so far. I have to do all blogs the semester. So i have 50 more words to do in this blog at least, so whats new with me is that trip i blogged about already. i bought crazy core skittles because johan mah always buys them, but i dont think they are as good as the blue, tropical skittles i usually buy, i don't even buy skittles much, i also bought some smores pop tarts, wow, im really writing about somme wierd things in this post, lol, okay.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What ive written

In the beginning of the year, my first couple of blogs were about dirt bikes, and my first blog also talked about my bad handwriting, i didn't have enough to write about, so i had to change subjects to think about more to write. I think i am better at writing blogs now because when i was beginning when i started i just named things i now and stated facts, and that kind of writing but now i write about things that are going on and things that are on my mind, before i explained everything thing in detail, but now i can just write things more like whats happening, you feel? lol , i have never said that. I still do that kind of writing i stared with, but its different. For the rest of this blog im gonna write about, idk? I dont know what to write about, im getting a little bit of writers block. Oh, yea, on my last blog i was talking about musicv, and maybe was also talking about ipods, i dont remember. i have these earphones i got at office max about 3 or maybe even 4 weeks ago. I listen to music alot, and these are good so far, they were 20 bucks, i kiinda want kicker earphones but they are like 60 or 70 bucks, and i dont want to lose them, because i have lost earphones. Huy Van Vo is my new best friend, idk, he smokes crack. Its not acceptable. What shall i do, he thinks hes sexy but hes a guy, i think. Hes crazy if u get to know him.Okay, back to subject. I think if i but them they might fall out of my ear alot, cause they are in ear. I might get them if my earphones i have now break. That was a wierd subject.