Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why I Ride

Why I want to write about dirt biking is because it’s the thing I’m best at. I like to work on them, to ride them and to talk about them. I’ve been riding since I was like 6 or 7, and I’ve been around them forever. It’s m main interest , everything to do with it. I have spent a lot of time saving up for one, and my dad matches what I make. I’ve been going riding a lot, not recently because of school, but throughout the summer. One of the reasons I enjoy dirt bikes so much is it brings people together, my family and friends. When I go riding I go with a lot of people usually. I want to write about this topic and I think I can say a lot about it, I know a lot about dirt bikes. I used to look up new bikes, and race bikes. I can say that this I s my favorite thing in the world.

Also, I need to improve my writing, I have really messy handwriting. I usually get an idea and try to write everything down as fast as I can, but I need to slow down. I do okay with punctuation, I have to review what I wrote and edit, I do make a lot of mistakes. I move sentences and words to make it flow better. I think I’m an average writer, but I need to expand my vocabulary, for example. Use bigger and better words.

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